Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-27-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-27-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-27-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 A sovereign country does not exist unless it has a sovereign currency. It’s that simple. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. If you have a sanctioned currency you’re not sovereign. It doesn’t take a phi beta kappa to understand that. We told you the key word was “sovereign”. All of a sudden two days later you see it everywhere coming out of Kazemi, from Pence, Trump. Everybody’s saying the same word that we gave you as a key word…

8-27-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Many people are afraid there won’t be 800 numbers… I am told there will be and we will receive those via a secure link. This comes from high up banking contacts. And there will be instructions on how to exchange…I am not a bit worried. I have complete and total faith there will be a secure link and/or 800 numbers. I have been told this over and over by well connected people and people who have help set up redemption centers…

8-27-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I don’t have any faith in 800#s nor these so-called redemption centers…one person posted a so called 800# and I called it. It went to a pizza place…Here’s my opinion…people will go and do anything if they could scam people. What I think these redemption centers are…they’ll promise you a specific rate or say they can exchange it for you or say they’re the only licensed people to exchange on your behalf. They’re gonna lie. That’s just my opinion. Then all of a sudden you get your dinar over to them and then they redeem it for the proper rate and take their cut of the pie. That’s what I think these are…I’m saying I think they’re bullshit…what I’m saying is please be careful…talk to your local banks. You don’t have to tell them you have Iraqi dinar, just simply ask them, ‘Hey if I want to come in and exchange my currency how does this work? Do I just come straight to you?’ And they’ll tell you yes you do or no you don’t. Maybe they’ll want you to call an 800# but let the banks tell you that…go find out for yourself…this way you’ll already know in advance…


8-26-2020 Intel Guru Delta …the Central Bank of Iraq will tell you exactly what they’re about to do. I’m waiting for a beautiful and very important article that should come up. It could be a day. It could be weeks…the article about lifting the 3 zeros…that’s what’s going to put a stop to all the speculations…

8-26-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …Guys, this is it – we are close…I’ll tell you from some bank sources that we like very very much – they’re looking at…us…to get started as early as tomorrow – (Wednesday)… There are other people that are looking very hard at Thursday – for us to get started…I am going to say right now from Wednesday to Friday is prime time – That is really looking good…Could it slip to Saturday? It is possible yes…but I believe it is to start this week…I think everything is pointing towards it – and I’m just giving you what I’ve got…and that is looking very strong for Wednesday – Thursday – or Friday of this week…

8-26-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the biggest thing that came out of this meeting [The Washington Meeting], actually is two things. 1. A commitment from Kazemi to Donald Trump that Iraq will de-dollarize and 2. The acceptance that they are going to announce that they have a change in their exchange rate. That they have added value to their currency. That’s the only reason why you see Donald Trump give all these contracts to Kazemi. Why didn’t they hand them out before? The week before? The month before? The year before? They didn’t qualify for it. The “white papers” have been all checked off. Every benchmark on those “white papers” is done. Now the question is Kazemi…Are you ready to make the announcement of everything that is in those “white papers”? …we do not have the authority to tell them to raise the value of their currency. Their bank. Their government. Their Prime Minister. Their Leaders. They’re the ones that make that decision.

8-26-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The news is painfully quiet out of banking centers right now…I am told they have a set schedule now and its rolling out quickly. They are really leaning on banking folks to stay quiet.

8-26-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Articles: “The Council of Ministers holds its regular session headed by Al-Kazemi”; “Al-Kazemi: The challenges are great and we have an opportunity to take the country to the right path” Kazzammie is back from the US. By all reports, his meeting with President Trump went well…the feeling is pretty simple – moving on, moving forward, the future is bright. …Kazzammie is not only back from a potentially important meeting, but he is back and right back to it…Overall, we have so much to be positive about – the new PM in Iraq is just cruising along, accomplishing things, crushing it. The riots and protests that came before him are a thing of the past. There is a standing agreement regarding the Budget that is on track to be set in stone, and believe it or not… we’re talking about agreements happening ahead of normal schedule. This is like no other time in Iraq’s recent history, and it’s pretty exciting…GOOOO RRRRRRRVVVVV!!!!!

8-26-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …I’m of the point of view that it can happen at any moment. I believe that the rate can be changed because it’s already changed. All that is needed is for the rate change to be announced…I know Donald Trump met with Kazemi for the purpose of talking about the currency of their country. One of the biggest things that came out of this meeting IMO is a commitment from Kazemi…Kazemi has promised Donald Trump to de-dollarize Iraq…

8-26-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 […Bank Appointments this week?] I’M HEARING OF SEVERAL TAKING PLACE THIS WEEK…PROGRESS IN THE MAKING!

8-26-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …this cannot happen with a non-sovereign country. This cannot happen with a non-sovereign currency. All of this business, all of these contracts…Donald Trump is a businessman…as the days go by, as the weeks go by we’re going to learn more and more about what Trump has given to Kazemi for Iraq. We’re going to learn more and more about these meetings…Trump wants to see dollar signs…Trump wants the end results to be the black ink. We don’t want no red. Trump wants to see dollar signs. This is all about business…Iraq’s economy is about to explode nuclear.

8-26-2020 Intel Guru Delta What do you think is the importance of Kurdistan traveling with Kazemi to come to Washington D.C.? That’s really significant…this is the first time I see Kurdistan traveling with the official government from central Baghdad…I think this is very huge…it gives you indication that there are unity between them. You know if they’re not happy you’ll never see them traveling all the way down to the U.S…you know what’s going to make them more united right? The new currency…lower denominations…have the Kurdish language on it…that part too is going to unite the whole country…so this is a major and a huge significant part for them to join the government with the negotiation and those contracts with the U.S…

8-26-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …President Trump is mandating that the Iranian militias be disbanded and guns taken away. Folks, this is what we have been waiting for since 2014. This is WOW news. It is about time. But this would not have happened without Trump. So we let this play out and watch the stability come back to Iraq slowly. This will lead to a climate that they can then rebuild the country and their economy.