Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-26-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-26-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-26-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy A lot of positive energy coming out of Iraq. They seem to be going everywhere and getting things accomplished…ever since our boy Al-Kazemi has gotten into office Iraq has been really really busy… Article” “The disclosure of 5 type of support that Al-Kazemi obtained during his recent visit to Washington” …They feel they got a lot of respect from Trump and in fact them acknowledging their government is really key to the growth of Iraq…

8-26-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …President Trump is mandating that the Iranian militias be disbanded and guns taken away. Folks, this is what we have been waiting for since 2014. This is WOW news. It is about time. But this would not have happened without Trump. So we let this play out and watch the stability come back to Iraq slowly. This will lead to a climate that they can then rebuild the country and their economy.

8-26-2020 Intel Guru Delta What do you thin is the importance of Kurdistan traveling with Kazemi to come to Washington D.C.? That’s really significant…this is the first time I see Kurdistan traveling with the official government from central Baghdad…I think this is very huge…it gives you indication that there are unity between them. You know if they’re not happy you’ll never see them traveling all the way down to the U.S…you know what’s going to make them more united right? The new currency…lower denominations…have the Kurdish language on it…that part too is going to unite the whole country…so this is a major and a huge significant part for them to join the government with the negotiation and those contracts with the U.S…

8-26-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …this cannot happen with a non-sovereign country. This cannot happen with a non-sovereign currency. All of this business, all of these contracts…Donald Trump is a businessman…as the days go by, as the weeks go by we’re going to learn more and more about what Trump has given to Kazemi for Iraq. We’re going to learn more and more about these meetings…Trump wants to see dollar signs…Trump wants the end results to be the black ink. We don’t want no red. Trump wants to see dollar signs. This is all about business…Iraq’s economy is about to explode nuclear.

8-26-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 […Bank Appointments this week?] I’M HEARING OF SEVERAL TAKING PLACE THIS WEEK…PROGRESS IN THE MAKING!

8-25-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra …nothing starts until that rate changes. All these plans/projects with the IMF, with the World Bank, with the Arab Monetary Fund, with the United States Treasury, with the Fab 4, nothing starts until that rate changes. So right now it’s all talk. We need to see them act…they’re meeting with all the right people so that’s great progress…they’re not discussing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They’re talking about the future and a rate and programs and those 11 billion dollars in contracts that Kazemi signed over here has got to have performance clauses in it – ie timing. And a rate. The rate has got to be there. It’s got to be at an equitable rate…Obviously a lot has gone on behind the scenes that we were not aware of because they’ve kept it quite. I’m sure there’s a lot more stuff we’re going to learn about in the next few days that we have no idea that happened…

8-25-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I know many of you were very disappointed that the August window did not open up as I expected it might. Trust me I too am VERY disappointed along with you. I was only relaying to you what my contact in the CBI told me they were targeting but could not pull it off as planned. Now that they are closer to January (the most opportune time to reinstate) they are just going to wait and ensure everything is set. This gives them 4 more months. But the news this week was all still very good and Iraq is moving in the right direction.

8-25-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Kazimi came back to Iraq to a hornet’s nest…he found out that there were millions of dollars that were stolen from the CBI auction while he was gone. He found out who did it and arrested hundreds and hundreds of people from the government…IMO you are about to see, maybe because of orders that were given to Kazemi, parliament dissolved…IMO Kazemi has come back with some powerful orders…Kazemi has to clean up and that’s what he’s doing…a change in the guard is coming in the Middle East and in Iraq…

8-25-2020 Guest Guru claud39 Article: “The Central Bank renews the ISO Quality Management System Certificate in Cash Management” …I can not wait to see the beginning of the year 2021…try to convince me that they are not going abroad for currency exchange, since 2015 the project has been the total change of their banking system, i.e. financial inclusion, staff training, installation of ATMs, FATF monitoring, and also which is the monetary fund project that by 2030 all countries will do financial inclusion like Iraq is currently doing, etc …As I mention I am…only someone who shares news about Iraq, and it is the news of what is happening in Iraq that gives us signs of change since the new prime minister…

8-25-2020 Intel Guru Footforward When Iraq did their budget they had said they wanted to come back half way through the year to re-evaluate the budget. Only two reasons to do so in my opinion. RV or a significant jump in oil. They also have educated the citizens for months now. [Guru] Delta himself talked about this months ago. To say they now have to educate the citizens I don’t agree with. Part of the reason they are rioting and protesting is because they have been told this change is coming and it hasn’t happened yet. Also in my opinion they have to revalue over night. I have a really strong reason for that opinion. Heck even people in the GOI are publicly calling for this now. Maybe [Guru] Delta is right. Maybe they do wait for the new fiscal year. But Kuwait lied before they revalued. History does tend to repeat itself. I don’t think they would just give away the time frame so clearly. Just my opinion.