Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-25-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-25-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-25-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the treatment that Kazemi received was first class. It was the most respectful…the plan was for Kazemi to meet the Fab 4 in Washington D.C…it was a whole lot more than you can imagine that came with Kazemi. It was a very very large entourage. They had covered many different subjects…but the majority of what they were covering was the currency of their country, their economic growth of their country…notice I didn’t say monetary reform. Because that’s in the ‘white papers’ and it is complete. Done. Everything is signed. Iraq needs to announce that they have a new exchange rate…

8-25-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “A leader in victory talks about the reasons behind Washington’s keenness to improve the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil” They have an agreement. They are completing automation at the borders and customs ports. They have not paid salaries yet and the Ministry of Finance has said to not yet, as there is equality issues to deal with. They have the newly updated ISO Certificate. Based on best practices and equality. Don’t think for a minute this is not all related to economic reforms being implemented… imo

8-25-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy To me the Iraqi dinar and the Vietnam dong are what I call a low risk high reward possibility…I could tell you that I own personally 4 million dinars and about 6 million Vietnam dong. Because what I did is I set a limit for myself…when you tell people that ‘Oh you must not have faith in it!’ What the hell? Because they think the amount I’m holding is too low. That’s not true. I’m just limiting my holding…because this could be a risk. There is nothing out there guaranteeing that a rate change is going to come…Nothing whatsoever…IMPO I think there’s a pretty good chance that this is going to happen. I’m not going to sit here and lie to you and blow smoke up your ass and tell you that I Know for sure because nobody knows. I can tell you I’ve done plenty of research and there’s plenty of reason to believe that what happened to the Kuwait dinar will happen to the Iraqi dinar…holding on to Iraqi dinar I think is a smart investment. Don’t get carried away and buy a billion, trillion quadrillion dinar. Don’t do that. Just hang tight…

8-25-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Is it soup yet?] I believe the soup is in the pot and cooking right now. Still quiet from the banking centers…I spoke with a very good government contact who told me that “this schedule is very much set” and there is a lot of pressure on to be very quiet. At this point I believe the schedule is set and it’s rolling out. …I believe everything will be in place by Oct 1st. I believe over the next week or two we have to start seeing activity…

8-24-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy You hear these stories that the Iraq investment is a scam. Let me just tell you this, I’ve done a lot of research. I can tell you that the Iraqi dinar has been used as a tool to commit scams. The Iraqi dinar itself is not a scam. You could purchase it and you can sell it. You can use it if you were in Iraq. So no it’s not a scam. If it was a scam you wouldn’t be able to use the currency at all…

8-24-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Central Bank renews the ISO Quality Management System Certificate in Cash Management” They are certified again and that will be a leg up going into the new social market economy they are going to… imo.

8-24-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …My currency people are now looking at the long Labor Day weekend…So my fingers are crossed for then… Mr. C [Guru Mike Cottrell] still thinks Nov…I think the latest is Oct. 1st but looking for it sooner than that. My opinion is they need us to go in and exchange before Oct. 1st. We all want to wish Okie [Guru OkieOilMan] a big Happy Birthday today!!!

8-24-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Iraq was invaded. The value was dropped. Once the invasion was over in 2003 they swapped out the old (Swiss) Iraqi dinars – the ones with Saddam Hussein’s face were taken out and the new dinars put in, which are the ones we see now. What everybody’s hoping is that when it’s time, that they reinstate the rate and the rate at the time was $3.22. That’s what a lot of people are hoping will happen again. There are a bunch of different arguments going both ways…on whether this will happen…You should approach knowing…all investments are a risk…