Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-21-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-21-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-21-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …the definition of sovereignty is a self governing state…right now the U.S. does not govern Iraq. We were coaching Iraq and we have handcuffs on them preventing them from going International but we do not govern them…they manage their own affairs. Right now they’re even making international moves again. They’re doing their own thing.

8-21-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Central Bank directs banks not to disburse salaries without financial approval” They are holding back because they await the White Papers or notification that they can pay everyone equally. That will require the new rate imo. Hence, the meetings in DC are being said to be very successful and whereby international status is front and center. That must have a rate oriented to the deals. The goal is to complete reforms. That requires Article 8. Well who met with Kahdimi yesterday? Yep. The IMF did. Getting good my friends!! …imo.

8-21-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I still have bankers waiting for activity over the weekend and waiting for announcements from Iraq.

8-21-2020 ** CBI Update ** The Central Bank of Iraq’s officially reported MARKET rate of the Iraqi dinar is now within tenths of a point from compliance with the IMF 2% rule. It currently stands at 1214.013. The dinar has been out of compliance since April 21, 2020. This is a 20 point shift in the market rate within days. It is unknown if this is a blip in the market rate or an upward trend that will continue.

8-20-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [Do you see this going into Sept.] I don’t see it going past this month…based on chatter…

8-20-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy You’ve got a guru out there who’s saying..they already have their sovereignty. No they don’t. They don’t. You have to understand first of all sovereignty is – “Supreme power or authority. The authority of a state to govern itself or another state. A self-governing state.” Iraq is under the watchful eye of the United Nations. That’s why you see articles like this from June 20, 2020. “Iraq is on the path to regain its stolen sovereignty” …they need restrictions removed off of them so they can start doing business on a more international level…if you don’t control your own militia of military you’re not very sovereign now are you?

8-20-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “WASHINGTON PULLS THE RUG FROM IRAN AND IRAQ IS NEGOTIATING TO EXPLORE FOR OIL” Quote: “…US companies are negotiating with Iraq to explore for oil, including Chevron, General Electric and Honeywell, in a move aimed at reducing Iraq’s dependence on Iran.” this is all also being discussed this week with Al-Kazemi’s delegation to the US. We are hopeful of good news. So far we are hearing some wonderful news.

8-20-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “PM meets Trump: What Outcome for Iraqi Economy?” This article is packed with good information. They say the word soon 7 times lol… They are in a hurry…With K in the USA now, there has to be so very important things to get done. I presume both sides are very well prepared to get the right things done and the right way…An equitable situation for both sides, is what I can see as an outcome. The path looks like it is fresh as new asphalt for smooth rolling… imo.

8-20-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Good news from Washington regarding the financial dispute between Baghdad and Kurdistan”. This is dang good news. This is huge. Boom! Like I told you guys it’s all coming in September…this whole thing between Baghdad and Kurdistan completely revolved around money. This is the last layer needed to bring the stability into Iraq for them to change their rate…they have ended their financial disputes…Boom… September is looking amazing…

8-20-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …what’s happening is Kazemi was supposed to go back home after he met with Trump this evening except U.S. Representatives have asked him to stay behind. There might be a meeting with Nancy Pelosi. Leave it to those guys to interrupt and interfere with anything positive. I’m sure what they’re telling Al-Kazemi is look you better pay attention to what side of this war you want to be on because if we get reelected things could be pretty messy for you. I wouldn’t be surprised if she says something like that. Article Quote “the meeting may include Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.” Anytime they’re involved with anything I just don’t trust them at all…

8-20-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …I am getting very positive chatter out of the banking cities again… We have been looking at today…the 20th for some type of movement. …banking centers are finally getting excited again… [I am hoping today is our day!!] I am hoping we see it as well…expecting activity this afternoon…we are expecting announcements from the Iraqi contingent that is here is the US later today. …We will see…I’m hopeful but grounded.

8-20-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …today was a great news day…everything that’s happened is exactly as I told you which is awesome…Article “KRG Officials Will Accompany Kadhimi On Visit To Washington” …since the weekend Kurdistan and Baghdad have been reaching partial agreement so far. Here’s more proof because Kurdistan accompanied Kazemi on his visit to Washington which is awesome…They’re not telling you everything. They’re hiding a lot from you…I firmly believe they’re much farther along than what they’re telling us. They can’t tell us everything…they have to be careful how much information they release to inform us as the investors…I believe Kurdistan and Baghdad most likely already have that agreement in place because otherwise they would not be making the move you’re seeing…the end of September is red hot…

8-20-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I told you the information would be coming fast and furious and it was my belief that when Al-Kazemi came to visit you would see a lot of agreements. You know Trump he’s always thinking business…sure enough there are tons of Memorandums of Understanding which is good because we want these outside companies to come into Iraq and start bringing new business in there…invest in Iraq is what we’re looking for…

8-20-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Steve Mnuchin tweeted – “Good meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Kadhimi. We discussed the US-Iraq Strategic Dialogue and efforts to secure a more stable and prosperous future for Iraq.” What did I tell you… these meeting were post rate change. That’s the future. They’re telling you stable and prosperous future. Even they’re telling you future. Boom there you go! Boom! Boom! Boom! Stable and prosperous future for Iraq. Steve Mnuchin confirmed exactly what I told you…this meeting confirms to us that Iraq has met all their benchmarks to be able to change that rate…