Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-20-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-20-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-20-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Steve Mnuchin tweeted – “Good meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Kadhimi. We discussed the US-Iraq Strategic Dialogue and efforts to secure a more stable and prosperous future for Iraq.” What did I tell you… these meeting were post rate change. That’s the future. They’re telling you stable and prosperous future. Even they’re telling you future. Boom there you go! Boom! Boom! Boom! Stable and prosperous future for Iraq. Steve Mnuchin confirmed exactly what I told you…this meeting confirms to us that Iraq has met all their benchmarks to be able to change that rate…

8-20-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ ]via PDK] [How many bank accounts can we open at our exchange] I am told that at our exchange they will open one account as a clearing account…then they will direct you to a private banker…At the actual exchange they just want to get it in, make sure you are not a terrorist and move on…at the second apt you can open as many accounts as you want and move funds around…that is how I was told it would work…[How will the 800 number work?] I am told we will get an email or a link to click, we will put in where we are at and that will generate a 800 number based on where you are at. This makes sense…if there was just one number it could overload the system as we all tried to call it.

8-20-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I told you the information would be coming fast and furious and it was my belief that when Al-Kazemi came to visit you would see a lot of agreements. You know Trump he’s always thinking business…sure enough there are tons of Memorandums of Understanding which is good because we want these outside companies to come into Iraq and start bringing new business in there…invest in Iraq is what we’re looking for…

8-20-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …today was a great news day…everything that’s happened is exactly as I told you which is awesome…Article “KRG Officials Will Accompany Kadhimi On Visit To Washington” …since the weekend Kurdistan and Baghdad have been reaching partial agreement so far. Here’s more proof because Kurdistan accompanied Kazemi on his visit to Washington which is awesome…They’re not telling you everything. They’re hiding a lot from you…I firmly believe they’re much farther along than what they’re telling us. They can’t tell us everything…they have to be careful how much information they release to inform us as the investors…I believe Kurdistan and Baghdad most likely already have that agreement in place because otherwise they would not be making the move you’re seeing…the end of September is red hot…

8-19-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I was listening to the press conference with Mike Pompeo and the Minister of Finance Allawi. They basically covered what we already knew…but Pomepo said something that caught my attention and you can take what you want from it. He said, ‘we look forward to the day when Iraq can help themselves.’ …I’m not sure if that’s a reflection of whether or not they get their sovereignty reinstate. All I know is I was listening to it and…I was looking for hints, something that says that Iraq will indeed have their sovereignty reinstated. I just didn’t see anything really in that particular press conference…hopefully we’ll get clarity when Al-Kazemi get here. If they don’t reinstate their sovereignty, I’m not saying they won’t, but if they don’t reinstate it, I hope at least we get a clear path, some type of checkoff list, something that tells us what we could watch for in order to see whether or not Iraq is anywhere near getting getting their sovereignty recognized…

8-19-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …we’ve got some really good things that have come in…Iraq’s delegation…which we believe has al-Kazemi – Alack – Shabibi – others…arrived…(Monday) and…supposedly we are to hear from that group – to talk about their sovereignty…possibly talk about sanctions that have come off…and that is supposed to be on the 20th…it could be sooner…but it could be on Thursday so that is big…Now…we understand – from one of our high up…bank…sources that Iraq should have a new rate tomorrow [Wednesday]…I don’t know how public it’s going to be…Wednesday is an official publication day/Gazette day…Maybe something will be said in the Gazette about that…but it may mean that Iraq comes to the announcement portion of what they are supposed to do with President Trump…The other thing we are getting from a Treasury source is…we should have money in our hands either by Thursday or by Friday…We could start anytime… based on the information…we could get notified and start our exchanges Wed/Thurs/Fri of this week…I think we’re in good shape…for it to happen…so I am very excited about where we are…

8-19-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …There are these money transfer companies that are involved with these banks [CBI “satellite” banks in the U.S.] that we’ve been telling you about. This transfer company…its parent company is on the Iraqi Stock Exchange. I’m just going to give it to you and you take it and do with it what you want. Altaif Sama …many of their outlets are spread out across the United States of America. They are banking and transfer companies…this company is not just for Iraq banks. They do work around the world too. Many of them are in the state of Michigan…the ultimate goal is to collect the three zeros and that’s what they’re trying to do. They are well prepared for it…

8-19-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …Mr. C [Guru Mike Cottrell] thinks November, Mt. goat says January, I have one great Iraq contact who thinks is tomorrow… I still have a ministry group who is looking for tomorrow to be a big day…..the Iraqi contingent is here now so there is a lot of chatter about the possibility of tomorrow. I hope that is correct. We still have Japanese and Australia sources looking squarely at October 1st. The banking centers have been gagged…and that is probably a good thing…noone there is talking. I am looking for today and tomorrow being big days. Hopefully we will get some news…

8-19-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …this quarter is red hot. Hotter than we’ve ever seen. September is on fire. September is about ready to explode… Kazemi coming to Washington…this meeting has nothing to do with the rate change. Nothing at all…This is a post rate change meeting…I feel they’re able to have this meeting and are having this meeting because I feel that Kazemi has met all of his benchmarks with everything he needed to do to be able to change the rates. I feel that everything needed to change the rate is done. And when I say done I’m also talking about the differences between Kurdistan and Baghdad. I feel that agreement has already been reaching in the background…I feel everything is done in the background…

8-19-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …there’s some understandable excitement about our man Kazzammie coming to America. Meeting with President Trump. Tomorrow. In my opinion, this does not mean “RV by Friday”. Iraq does not need “Trump’s approval”. That’s not what is going on here. Whether you like Trump or not, you probably (at least) acknowledge that he has his fingers in a LOT of pies…and you can bet your sweet apples that he has the means, ability, and likely desire to help Iraq move forward. A Kazzammie-Trump meeting is not a small thing. It’s quite likely the opposite, and this might be the last time they meet before we see a surge in the price of Dinar…tomorrow could be exciting, especially if anyone even mentions “HCL”. We will see! Go Kazzammie. Go Trump. Go HCL. Go Iraq. And GOOOO RRRRVVVVVVVV!!!