Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-18-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-18-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-18-2020 Guest Guru Austin-Powers-For-PM So let’s think this through for a minute. It’s no accident that Trump chose August 20th for the day he is meeting PM Al-Kazemi. What else is happening that has been scheduled for awhile? Yep that’s correct, Joe Biden accepting the Dems nomination. What does Trump want to do most of all? He wants to suck the oxygen out of the news cycle and make Biden’s acceptance speech a non-event. How does he do that? He makes a BOMBSHELL announcement shortly before Biden takes the proverbial stage. Who will be with him at that time? Yep, PM Al-Kazemi. What will this BOMBSHELL announce be? It could be a whole lot of things. Iraq, Kuwait, and S.A. recognizing Israel? Massive trade deal with Iraq? Anything else?

8-18-2020 Guest Guru Austin-Powers-For-PM …A “Sovereign Iraqi State” won’t excite the media by itself. I think it’s a combination of a Peace Deal, trade agreement, Sovereignty announcement, and support for Iraq “Internal Financial Reforms.” RV happens shortly thereafter. What “Shortly” is will be quite variable. IMO sometime between August 20th and January 1st. But just IMO. But it will have to be epic to suck up all the MSM attention, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Al-Kazemi made some sort of announcement standing next to the President. But we shall see. Something is going to happen Thursday evening.

8-18-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Foreign Ministry: Positive expectations that Iraq will exit from the list of high-risk countries during the current year” What are the odds of that? This is big. I think what would kick-start this is an announcement by Trump for the international community to once again recognize the sovereignty of Iraq. I think more now than ever before you could see this stage is being set for the Iraqi dinar rate change to finally change…

8-18-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Foreign Ministry: Positive expectations that Iraq will exit from the list of high-risk countries during the current year” They’re talking about removing Iraq from the list of high-risk countries… thought or felt to support terrorism…that’s called the OFAC list. Because Iraq’s on that list within the U.S. the big banks do not exchange Iraq’s currency.

8-17-2020 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 …It seems to me somehow or another something has been set into motion. Something has been launched. It seems to me we are in the eye of the monetary reform storm because yesterday something huge happened. Today we’re seeing what happened yesterday and today we’re seeing what going to happen tomorrow and the next day and up to the 21st. We are in the eye of the monetary reform storm…

8-17-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …the end of September is red hot…because 10-1 is the second half of their fiscal year…as they have told you they will not be borrowing any more money. They only borrowed salary money up until August. They have not even borrowed money for September. Again the end of September is red hot…

8-17-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] There is a massive amount of dis-information being out on the RV front right now…stunning as they try to keep us in the dark, and cover us with smoke…don’t let it drive you nuts guys…

8-17-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …we were saying Al-Kazemi was coming on the 20th. Nope! My man will be here tomorrow and I believe he’s supposed to be here for four days…if Iraq gets their sovereignty that would be a huge step towards us wanting to get that rate change…I want to make something perfectly clear. Although to me it makes sense to do it at the same time, that does not mean their rate will have changed once the sovereignty has been restored. We need the restrictions removed off it. We need an announcement and then we should see shortly after that some type of announcement on the exchange rate…

8-17-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …once the restrictions are removed off of the currency and they are allowed to once again trade on the Forex that is going to cause a rush of people running over as speculators will now have access to the Iraqi dinar. Which is good for us because it will cause the exchange rate to go up. In addition to that, if the restrictions are removed then once again our banks should be able to buy and sell Iraqi dinar. This is good…

8-17-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru David M. Witty Next round of US-Iraq strategic dialogue to begin evening of 18 AUG in Washington. Iraqi delegation includes PM & Defense, Foreign, Oil, Immigration, Oil & Electricity Ministers. PM Kadhimi to meet with US President on 19 AUG in White House.

8-17-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …so much is happening right now… This should be a big week. We have the Iraqi delegation arriving tomorrow for meetings on the 20th. [Most resets happen in October.] I am looking for one sooner than that. I think they may be stalling until later in this week or early next week. Just my guess because of what little happened in the banking world last weekend…everything is in place…..we just need somebody to pull the dang trigger.

8-17-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …some of the delegation has already parted ways heading over to Washington ahead of Al-Kazemi’s visit…some people are saying that this visit is going to be the reset of the IQD. Careful with those types of things…It would be nice if they obviously did the rate change but there’s no evidence out there that this is gonna happen. Not that I can find…what I think would be a huge step towards accomplishing our goal is once Al-Kazemi is there we get the Iraqi sovereignty reinstated. Just having it reinstated of course then they’re gonna have to remove the restrictions off the currency. In order for you to be a sovereign nation you have to have an international currency…

8-17-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “A deputy denies the cancellation of the Kurdish delegation’s visit to Baghdad and confirms: A comprehensive agreement will be signed during the coming period” Quote: “…the agreement is still in place, and there are some observations from the federal government and the conditions and work is underway to reform them, stressing that in the end an understanding will be made and a comprehensive agreement signed during the coming period.” Interesting that they do talk about this today. So many things in motion that imo they had to! The agreement they have is still in effect. Thus, today is effective… Let that one simmer in the pot a few moments… They have a deal on the oil… imo.. That means they have an expectation of what is in the White Papers… Kahdimi and Allawi are holding close to their chest. Why? We all know why.. imo ~ RATE, comes to mind imo…