Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-13-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-13-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-13-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy They [Malki and Sadr] are at an impasse. They’re not going to come to any agreement at all…it’s going to get to a point where a civil war actually breaks out. I don’t want it to but it could…

8-13-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The CBI once again stressed that they are the only ones that can change the rate. It has nothing to do with the government. And as long as the government looks peaceful and settled they can go ahead and move forward with the rate. They let us know this again…We find this very interesting.

8-12-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy There is some good news. Article: “The Central Bank Announces An increase In Its Cash Reserves To 82 Billion Dollars” I’m curious to see how high they can get this sucker pumped up. If they keep going at this rate by the end of next year do you realize they’ll be over $115 billion? …you want to talk about doing all the right things…to strengthen the dinar, this is it….If we could just get the government going and stability in the economy man we would be well on our way to increasing the value of the Iraqi dinar…

8-12-2022 Newshound Guru Tivon …The dissolution by default will activate Al-Kazemi…He will officially hold all power to activate reforms at anytime he sees fit. So it doesn’t matter if he does it before or after the 15th…all banks will be ready for the new digital platform by that date…he already told the citizens…that the citizens will have their demands met in days…They are waiting for Al-Kazemi…Let this guy bring it home for us. We don’t need the UN, IMF, AMF, World Bank, CBI, or US Treasury to tell us that. You should be ready regardless. On the 15th and afterwards. Imo

8-12-2022 Guru Nader From The Mid East The bank came out today with news. Says the reserve amount of dollars is $82 billion. This it says by the end of the years would be 95-99 but you’ll see it’s going to come out $100-110 billion. Then they talk about gold. They got 130 tons of gold making him the 30th in the world and the number 10 in the Arab world…

8-12-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …The IMF Article IV Consultation from 2013…directive was to create a suitable investment environment for allowing the dinar to go up in value gradually over time…Iraq needs to pass laws, create a suitable investment environment, and build a diverse private sector economy before the dinar can float and will go up in value.

8-12-2022 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …we heard from three different sources so far…all saying the same thing… They…the Treasury… want this to get started… before Monday the 15th. Can anything good happen over the weekend? Yes, it can. …if they’re going to start this before the 15th I think we’re going to get notified in the next few days…I believe we’re very close…looks like a good really good weekend for us. I really think we’re there…

8-12-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 When they do make the announcement that they have a seated government and dissolved parliament… when you have those two you have a new exchange rate. IMO Kazemi is going to be the one to make the announcement of the new exchange rate…not Mustafa from the CBI…

8-12-2022 Newshound Guru Militiaman …This weekend may see some very interesting things happen. Let pray they are in line with peace, security and stability to allow the them to give the best rewards to the people…

8-12-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] In Iraq “Dr. Allawi has presented a vision for the economy of Iraq…They would like to point out that now is the ideal time while they have the extra revenue and money coming in from oil sales” This is really good news for us….

8-12-2022 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “The Central Bank: The cash reserve rose to 82 billion dollars”. Quote: “Iraq also advanced 10 ranks in the table of countries with the most gold, becoming the thirtieth in the world and fourth in the Arab world, as its total possessions exceeded 130 tons, ”

8-12-2022 Newshound Guru Tivon …Next three days are the focus…

8-12-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy They’re still stuck in this deadlock. It doesn’t seem like there’s any resolution in sight but I keep watching some slick moves made by Sadr and the more he does this the more popular he becomes…still no agreement. Still no government. Doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen for a while…

8-12-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …Be patient, it is coming. I know for a FACT the CBI has been planning the change over of currency to the lower denoms for a long time. This will lead to the reinstatement. So hang in… I can not project a date but I know the CBI is looking at January 2023 and not before.