Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-24-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-24-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-24-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat This re-rating process has occurred already since 2012 over and over again when the new system was initiated. It should be obvious to everyone that there were still errors/bugs in the algorithms back then that needed fixing. Also another problems was how to represent the Contractor rates separate from the market rates. This too is now all fixed. The rates change because they re-run the application from time to time, just as they will do when it all goes live someday. So right now, it is still in a “BETA Test” mode. They are still flushing out bugs but it is now very stable.

7-24-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …I think it’s funny nobody ever knew what Article VIII was until me and [Guru] Enorrste started talking about this seven or eight years ago…What Article VIII is an international standard that the IMF has created…All the central banks around the world try to achieve that level and the way it’s worded…’they should constantly be striving to move to Article VIII’. You don’t want to sit in Article XIV…

7-24-2019 Intel Guru Bruce What is interesting about Iraq is that the rate would be flashing which means it is not tradable…Then all of a sudden it would not be flashing and we would have fluctuation of the rate…It would come up for 2, 4, or 6 hours and then it would come back to flashing… I am sure they were fluctuating and being traded upward, and they want them to be traded towards the higher end where the Dinar supposed to start. …We know that the Dinar because it is gold back, it has a good value, and it will have a good value…

7-24-2019 Intel Guru Bruce This is only my theory. I believe that some of this flashing of the Dinar is absolutely manipulated. It is not Iraq is not ready. They have been ready. We haven’t been ready for them to go live. The US and in some cases some of the countries aren’t really ready. Now, I think everything is about ready now. My theory is that the Dinar flashing will stop, and the rate will be live and fluctuating when everything else is ready for this to go. …So, the point is even though the rates are still flashing on the Iraqi Dinar, that could change in an instant. Redemption Center Staff…were on 24 hour call this afternoon [Tuesday]. So, that tells me that they know it is imminent. They know it can go at any moment…

7-23-2019 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf For all the talk of economic growth and currency value, I find it very sobering that one(1) Chinese Yuan equals 0.15 United States Dollar. You should bear in mind a rate on its own does not mean a great deal. Denmark is about the same value as China and Norway/Sweden somewhat less. The Saudi Riyal is about 26 cents yet the Kuwait Dinar is 3.28 dollars.

7-23-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat From everything I know and have been told as FACTUAL this…The de-facto peg will go away. The currency auctions as we know them today will end. The dinar will then be pegged to an IMF SDR basket of currencies and be rated based on the values of these five currencies along with the assets of Iraq. This process is already underway today and has been ongoing since 2012. So this is FACT not OPINION! …Then this new rate ($3.00 – $4.00+) will be reinstated on FOREX for trading. We are already seeing the new rate coming up on bank screens under HOLD subject to becoming LIVE. The rate has fluctuated anywhere from $3.20 upwards to $4.25. So again this process is already underway.

7-23-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat What will the actual rate be then when it goes live? The rate will be the rate at the time they trigger the reinstatement. It is as simple as that. They will simply run the algorithms again and the system will determine the new rate. This rate will be brought forward to FOREX and the rates at the bank will come LIVE. So the rate will be whatever the system happens to generate at that time.