Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-19-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-19-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-19-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 In history no redenomination has ever been kept a secret. If so then it would have failed. Why do you think it’s so important for the international world to know the things that you are suspecting and smelling and saying what’s going on? You know what’s going on. You just can’t spring the monetary reform on the citizens of Iraq. No. Education is the process now. And what they are teaching them about is…the new exchange rate and the new small category notes. They’re making it very clear to the citizens of Iraq that they’re changing the rate. That they’re changing their currency…everybody is against the wall. We’re only waiting for the CBI to give us a date…

7-19-2021 Intel Guru Fleming Sunday RV Report: Our military intel contact said his info from Mr Fleming’s sources matches our guy’s info: “all done done done and release any time now…”

7-19-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [There is talk again of Iraq dropping 3 zeros from their currency.] Isn’t that neat? Dropping means they change value and don’t need the large 3 zero bills anymore. History has shown us how that works

7-18-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Iraq is blowing up [In a good way!] and it’s because IMO you have the monetary reform established already with Article VIII and now the world is pouring in and this place is growing leaps and bounds…they’re talking about it constantly, ‘yeah, we’re lifting the 3 zeros’…they have the monetary reform. Yeah, they’re about to announce it…

7-18-2021 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf “Iraq seeks to join the World Trade Organization – Iraq has been trying to join the WTO since 2004. One of biggest obstacles is the differences between Iraq and the Kurds over border policies. The WTO sees Iraq as a single entity not two, until there is a unified policy in Iraq, I wouldn’t hold my breath on them getting membership anytime soon.

7-18-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I am hearing from the IMF and the CBI that they first want to ascend Iraq to the WTO prior to reinstating their currency. This gives them a wide range of trade opportunities they presently do not have and will need. Did I say any country needs to be in the WTO to trade their currency on FOREX? NO!…

7-18-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling Question: “Can you talk about the possibility of a global currency reset and if so how soon?” There is not going to be no Global Currency Reset! I don’t know who is putting that stuff out there but the United States doesn’t have control over anybody’s currency. We’re competing against Russian’s currency. We’re competing against the EU and the euro. We’re competing against the Wan. There is not group of ‘elites’ hiding behind a curtain somewhere that’s getting together and conspiring on currencies…I know there are conspiracy theories out there but it just keeps coming up over and over and you’re wasting your time. It’s not real. There is not going to be a global currency reset.

7-18-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy People are like, ‘How do you know it’s [the dinar] going to go up?’ The United Nations/United councils says there’s no reason for Iraq not to be reinstated back to their former rate of $3.22. They said this. They said it several times…

7-18-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The Iraqi dinar monetary reform is going to effect many countries. Be careful where you go and get your information. It’s not an “RV”…it’s an “RI”…for their monetary reform they had to go through an RD (redenomination). They did that. They had to go through an RV. They did that with the Fab 4…that was the revalualization. Now they have to go through what’s called an RI to reinstate their currency back into the international world…