Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-18-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-18-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-18-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The Iraqi dinar monetary reform is going to effect many countries. Be careful where you go and get your information. It’s not an “RV”…it’s an “RI”…for their monetary reform they had to go through an RD (redenomination). They did that. They had to go through an RV. They did that with the Fab 4…that was the revalualization. Now they have to go through what’s called an RI to reinstate their currency back into the international world…

7-18-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy People are like, ‘How do you know it’s [the dinar] going to go up?’ The United Nations/United councils says there’s no reason for Iraq not to be reinstated back to their former rate of $3.22. They said this. They said it several times…

7-17-2021 Intel Guru Fleming Saturday RV Update: Our military intel contact said his info is the same as from Mr Fleming’s sources…The source sounded really excited as he was in a meeting and relayed the message back to me. He could not say much but only that the RV is 1000% confirmed to be released any day now. He is not going to give out dates but he assured me any time now.

7-17-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Not as much news as I expected this weekend. Not seeing any movement on the currency side. What I want to share with you comes out of Iraq. “The Iraqi government is trying to work on dispersing salaries before EID. The ministry is waiting for the exchange instructions by the general administration of Rafidan Bank, and the release of all the salaries will be released on the official page of the ministries website, the department page and various media once they are launched by the bank.”. We know we are close guys. We are in the shorts of this thing even according to the Iraq government.

7-17-2021 Newshound/Intel Gurus Walkingstick & Frank26 The next phenomenal articles that are going to come out are going to talk about the new calculated exchange rate and about the new small category notes – the picture, the denominations etc etc…the next phenomenal articles will have a date of the releasing of the new small category notes and the new exchange rate…

7-17-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling Question: “Can they revalue the currency and protect their economy and price for the next ten years by the end of the year?” Absolutely they can. They could have done it this summer. It’s on the edge. They are not working on anything else. This is the answer to all of their problems…

7-17-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “AL-KAZEMI’S ADVISOR: THERE ARE 3 REASONS THAT PREVENT THE DOLLAR’S ​​EXCHANGE RATE FROM CHANGING “CURRENTLY” They are considering only the exchange rate as a program rate solely pegged to the US dollar and not as an IMF basket of global currencies and reinstated back on FOREX when traders come to buy. All these arguments do not take into consideration major reforms in their currency and only dwell on short term solutions staying within the use of the currency auctions and program rate. So of course leaving the dinar in this situation why would you revalue it against the dollar? It does not make any sense to do it. But this is NOT what must happen and NOT what is going to happen.

7-17-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy There are no 800#s. You’re not going to get an email. The only email you’ll get is that somebody that’s within your group gets the announcement when it actually really happens and they send an email out to everybody saying, ‘Hey it’s happening!’ But you’re not special. You’re not going to get any kind of special email. There’s no 800 numbers for you to call as a matter of fact go away from those people who say that. The reason is I don’t feel comfortable with somebody saying, ‘hey call this 800#!’…they steal your dinar and they take it…

7-17-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The global currency reset is a bunch of garbage as it is explained on the internet. There is a ‘reset’ occurring and it does deal with currency but I certainly wouldn’t call it a global currency reset. I like QSF much better. The Iraqi dinar is heavily involved in this. ‘Do you think it’s involved at at 1450-60 program rate? Of course not…

7-17-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Have we ever been in this position before?] No we have never been in this position before…we have never seen this progress before…