Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-12-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-12-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-12-2018 Intel Guru Ghost [Lieutenant Colonel – 4 tours of Iraq] He [Dr. Shabibi] and Alak I think, talk on a monthly basis… in my strongest opinion I think Alak and Shabibi have a lot of conversations that are off the radar. …There is a defense contractor I know who has an equal number of employees. He was paying his employees and it progressively went upward. 1:1; 2:1; 3:1 and even 4:1. I think that just parallels what [Guru] Walkingstick said and confirms what WS says. A second set of books will be revealed very soon. Very, very tight window.

7-12-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Here’s where my thought process is going, and I am getting more confident in this on a daily basis. Iraq is stillll going over election results from what seems to be ages ago… this is no different than most other election years, except this time there seems to be a LOT less drama, accusations, etc. Sure, there is still a bit of finger pointing… but this is NOTHING like what we’ve seen in the past. One example that stands out very brightly is the first Maliki vs Abadi race. There was basically kicking and screaming about those results! But at the end of the day, it all cleared up and we were left with Abadi for a few years. IMO that was a great thing! Now…it is being announced that we’re maybe a couple weeks from a true resolution and seating of both sides, and despite what would have historically been a time of extreme uncertainty, that’s not what I’m seeing and hearing. Quite the opposite, in fact.

7-12-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Quotes: “While the member of the Council of the leadership of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Areez Abdullah, that “the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party have agreed on a semi-final to declare their alliance immediately after the ratification of the election results.” “The new Kurdistan Alliance will strengthen the bargaining power of the Kurdistan region with the political blocs in Baghdad to form the largest coalition and the next government,” adding that “the share of the two parties in government positions and determine the personality of the President of the Republic will be subject to dialogues between the two sides in consultation with other Kurdish parties “. Given that lack of turmoil, coupled with the above quoted sentences, that gives me confidence that the Kurdish side is going to emerge as very confident in their position, the GOI in general is going to be moving in short order, and some of these HCL rumors I’m hearing are going to be surfacing. That means we’re getting close to a real window of opportunity! Stay grounded, because the next couple weeks might just surprise a lot of us.

7-12-2018 Intel Guru Bruce We know Abadi has been officially welcomed as Prime Minister of Iraq again. It was a little bit of back and forth on that, but we knew that he was going to be the Prime Minister and it is official. Has the rate been put out publicly? May be not yet. I don’t think we are going to see a public rate on the dinar until we go and start. It is already on the screens.

7-11-2018 Intel Guru Bruce What is interesting is that we know that Dr. Shabbi who was head of the CBI back in the day when he spoken to the US Chamber of Congress, I believe it was 2012. He said when he was asked by someone in the audience what the rate of the dinar could support. He said the Iraqi dinar could support over $16. Even though we are not there yet, I think the dinar will get traded as a gold back currency up to that point and maybe beyond. Are you going to hold it long enough for that to happen? I don’t know that I would. I am just saying that there will be movement.

7-11-2018 Intel Guru Ghost [Lieutenant Colonel – 4 tours of Iraq] [via sunny] When Obama pulled us out is when ISIL took over. I don’t think we’ve come full circle yet…When you get news from Iraq, Remember Malaki owns more than ½ the newspapers and radio outlets, that broadcast the news. When you see the news coming out of Iraq sometimes it’s totally tainted. There is only one reliable newspaper over there, “The Baghdad Post.” He doesn’t own that one. The rest of them are completely fake news. Completely! All kinds of stuff about Sadr; All the election stuff – it’s all under control. … I do still have a lot of high level Washington contacts, contacts in Baghdad and a good grasp of the situation because of the position I had. I still have quite a lot of friends that were over there with me that know exactly what’s going on in these investments.

7-11-2018 Intel Guru Ghost …Malaki…basically raped the country of everything. He marked up the dollar so merchants couldn’t get any money. He made sure the program rate was very, very low. He was adamant about stealing from the people… I’ve heard as soon as this election comes to pass he will be in shackles and very quickly. …Yes and the irony of it is as the partially convertible currency turns to the IR, we RV, we can see upward of $4 – $7 per dinar…$4.25 to $7.70. I have sources that have told me that. They are unconfirmed at this point. Feel so strongly IMO!