Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-11-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-11-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-11-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
My bank friend said he heard in the rumor mill that we should revalue in country just above the dollar then we will see the launch of the deletion of the zeros and in a short time we should see the dinar on Forex. When it goes to Forex the dinar will float and probably close to a controlled float… This is nothing from the top, it’s just the word around our banking friends/ employees. We could be wrong but we feel something close to this will happen. FRANK: All rumors originate from a source of truth. It’s just exaggerated after that but all rumors originate from a source of truth…

7-11-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …two main issues concerning the monetary policy…The first issue is about the cash outside of the banking system…that the percentage of cash outside the banking system reached 91%… they already told us they have plan to retrieve this money… as investors in the dinar…part of the 91% also includes our dinars. They told us this money is desperately needed in the banks…But how will they get ours, as investors? So, the answer is…the CBI will have to revalue the dinar enough to a significant level to get us foreign investors to run to the bank and turn it in. Within Iraq, however it is much different and they only need to overcome the parallel market rate of the dollar and these notes will come flowing back in to the banks. This is also when they can begin the swap out to the newer lower denominations…

7-11-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The second is the reluctance of the US to allow the currency reform process to move ahead as the 3rd phase of the strategic plan calls for and is supposed to have already begun. But can it really begin without this measure? It is already a week into July and still the US has not given its confirmation as to the support they will give for this next part of the phase…there is not really much going on in the currency reform process…to indicate that the 3rd phase is started…One solution, as we learned, was for the three letter agencies to open the spigot and pour out the very good news about Iraq’s stability. Folks they are prepping for something really big in the very near future. They are trying to kickstart this 3rd phase of the strategic plan…

7-11-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The chatter really is great right now… They [Iraq] told us they plan to activate and distribute the lower denominations in the month of July. We do expect some big announcements around the 19th of July. We know they plan on the HCL hydrocarbon laws settled in the month of July and we know they are presently in meetings with the US state department and military to set up the withdrawal of US forces…The US will still have bases there but will not participate in policing Iraq. This is one of the necessary keys to them reinstating their currency.

7-10-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Sudani made it very clear to the Iraqi citizens he was going to add value to their currency this year. We’re talking about the year 2024…They go by a fiscal calendar…Iraq goes from January 1st to December 31st.

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7-10-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Probably shortly you’ll find that Iraq is going to do something with their exchange rate to be IMO an IMF Article VIII complaint exchange rate that will be openly traded on Forex…

7-10-2024 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram The IQD Wait: What’s Taking So Long? The 2003 Invasion, ISIS, and the Pandemic have all contributed to the delay in the Iraqi Dinar’s increasing value. Iraq’s economy got into trouble during the Iran-Iraq eight-year war and has been struggling ever since.

7-10-2024 Guru Nader From The Mid East Lots of things happening…I see good news coming up this week so stay tuned…What’s happening now it’s good. I can say we are very close.

7-10-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy The IMF can’t force countries to do a specific exchange rate. They can have input. They can talk to a county about their exchange rate but each country is sovereign. They’re independent. No organization, whether it’s IMF, World Bank, WTO, can force a country to use a certain exchange rate…

7-10-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 I think Sudani is in control of the monetary reform. I think he has security and stability and I think the international world knows it. I think all the three letter agencies are in cahoots…with the CBI…GOI to go ahead and launch the new exchange rate…I think the exchange rate is either going to float at a fixed rate or it’s going to float at a low rate then take some time to grow and be capped. If it’s fixed at an RI rate then you know it’s not going to float very much because the distance between $3.22 to…where they want to cap it it’s not that far and the demand will allow the gap to be reached very quickly. If it comes out at $3.22 you think I’m gonna wait around for a float? No.

7-10-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Iraq has…paid off many of their loans. And Iraq has been very upfront (from finance contacts there) that they had planned to release the new rate in June…. Now they plan on releasing it in the month of July. Also I have a government contact in Iraq who said “We have a new rate and will activate it soon”

7-10-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Airlines set date to resume flights between Baghdad and Moscow”

7-10-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: ”91% of the Iraqi currency is outside the banking system” Quote: “Economist Munar Al-Obaidi announced that the money supply rose to more than 102 trillion dinars until last June.”

7-10-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man I think when they say, “Whose operations are constantly expanding in favor of dealing at the fixed official exchange rate”, is an argument suggesting that instead of being a floating currency…they’re leaning towards a fixed official exchange rate for some time…

7-10-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 The float will bring the IQD to the real effective exchange rate and then it will be capped. IMO 1.32 is still not enough. Why? Because the parallel market is extinct IMO. $0.76 does not suffice.

7-10-2024 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram The dollar has gained over the dong 4.31% since the beginning of 2024.

7-10-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Vietnam targeting Q3 GDP growth of 6.5%-7%, inflation below 4.5% PM says” And this is just the third quarter. They are obliterating the US…this is big…and they are under pressure to raise their exchange rate.