Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-9-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-9-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-9-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We must all remember that the original reason why they changed out the Saddam notes for the larger 3 zero notes was to combat massive inflation and stabilize the economy. In 2003 it was on the brink of crashing. So now how does it look after almost 17 years of the larger three zero notes? Is it much better than in 2003? Okay so if you are really a student of Iraqi politics and finance you will learn that it does not have to be much better, only stable. Stable you say? How can the dinar be stable with the rate changing so much and being devalued? So maybe the time have come now to release the lower denominations as the three zero notes have out lived their original purpose? But to turn the currency back on the will still need the oil and gas law.

6-9-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …heard they would release the VND dong street rate at about .47 cents…then allow it to float up…but, we would be covered in a contract rate of the low #2 range…[What do you hear on the dinar?] I still hear the street rate will come out at just under $4…and we may see up to $8 on the contract side…

6-9-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “A second wave of price hikes as the dollar exchange continues to rise”. This is not right! This is pure evil. And this is what’s discouraging you…and people from thinking this is never going to happen. This is not the CBI. This is not Kazemi.

6-8-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Specialized Banks” Quote: “Now that we are moving completely towards the capitalist market economy system…” Capitalist market economy! That’s freedom. My money is free to move in your country? That’s Article VIII! Somebody ring a bell! Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding! Thank you…this is powerful. This is Article VIII.

6-8-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] On the banking front I am being told that they have cleaned up all the logistical issues that they needed to… from what I am hearing….everything is a “go” now. We are watching things closely. [Are we still in a 24-48 hour window?] We are knee deep in that last 12-24 hours right now…this is from what I heard on Sunday….

6-8-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] The World Bank within the last three weeks is constantly talking about the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar. Constantly the World Bank is telling the CBI please you’re a sovereign nation raise the value of your currency. The World Bank talked three days in a row, last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and came out and they stated what? The obvious. Raise the value of your currency CBI…right now the World Bank is carrying the football…What did the World Bank say that the CBI has? They have a mechanism to implement the reforms. What do you think that mechanism is? The ‘mechanism’ is a new rate…

6-8-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy We’re starring to see the value of the dinar is losing against the U.S. Dollar. Why? Because how are outside investors going to come into Iraq and invest when there’s so much instability. They need security. I would not want to go somewhere and invest money into a county when there’s too much civil unrest…We’re starting to see all these militia groups feel real emboldened since o’biden got into office…people are not feeling very secure about what is going on in the Middle East…

6-8-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra The Kurds are back in town…
whenever they come to town it’s for business! And right now, the Kurds, along with the world are waiting for…the opening of the budge, and the new rate! We are in a great time-frame!! Watch the CBI!!! ALL IMO.

6-8-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 ‘We’re implementing a new mechanism’ Those are direct words from the CBI…that is really explosive! …about three weeks ago we said watch – the CBI is done. They already told the citizens…Both Mustafas {PM Kazemi and CBI Governor] on television saying ‘If you think the exchange rate we used to have was something wait till you see the one coming out’…