Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-6-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-6-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-6-2022 Newshound Guru Tivon Al-Kazemi said last April, for the political forces to vote on the food security law without emptying it of its content in order to serve citizens, as it is a “very important” law, indicating that “the goal of the law is to provide the necessary protection for the Iraqi people.” Ask yourself what can protect the citizens? Purchasing Power? That comes from what? The HCL/Oil & Gas. Guess what was brought up earlier this week by Al-Sadr during the session that was adjourned? Citizen Entitlements.

6-6-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “The Kurds: Yes, to the Al-Kazemi government” Love this article…they are going to go ahead and make a push for a vote of confidence for Al-Kazemi to continue. I like the idea and I hope it passes.

6-5-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Article “Airbnb Iraq – An alternative Travel To Mesopotamia” This is the type of news we are looking for because this says Iraq is on track to open its doors to the world…global rental platform airbnb allows host in Iraq to list properties throughout the country local and international visitors can use this rental marketplace when staying in different parts of Iraq…

6-5-2022 Newshound Guru Tivon …Before they adjourned the parliament session there were laws undisclosed to the public that Al-Sadr was pushing to legislate that are vital to the reinstatement of the Iraq Dinar and Citizens Entitlements which falls under the Emergency Food Security Law…It’s too sensitive. Playing it close to the chest is a smart thing until the FSL officially becomes Law next week. We don’t even need to wait for the formation of the government because Hakim Al-Zamili Deputy Speaker already said laws will get passes regardless…

6-5-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Yes, the IMF did meet with Iraq last month to do their annual Article IV Consultation. That report once completed will be published on the IMF website for everyone to read.

6-5-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Until the government is formed. Until they get in there and pass the budget, till they stabilize the economy, you’re not going to see any increase in the Iraqi dinar. Yes I know I’m the bad guy…I don’t care about how much money they make off their oil revenues. It absolutely positively makes no difference by itself. You need a combination of things before the Iraqi dinar can increase in value and just because you get an increase in oil sales it doesn’t mean crap…

6-5-2022 Newshound Guru Militiaman That 30 day (15+- day left) window that Sadr gave is fast approaching and is like a time bomb ticking for those that are not on board with him…I too am looking for the Finance Train and the Political Train to hit the platforms at the same time, they are congruent imo… can’t wait and look forward to an impasse even sooner than that…Pressure can do amazing things on ones mental state. lol.. We shall see.

6-5-2022 Newshound Guru BobTheTaxMan What needs to happen to change the value of the IQD? There are some reasons to be optimistic about the future of the Iraqi economy. With 9% of the world’s oil reserves, Iraq has the potential to spring back and establish itself as a stable economy. If it didn’t why would we be bothering to even work with it. Why would the U.S. spend so much effort? …

6-5-2022 Newshound Guru BobTheTaxMan The value of the Iraqi dinar is fixed by the Iraqi government and does not change unless the central bank changes the exchange rate…now that high oil prices are netting Iraq ever more revenue, some observers are considering the idea of strengthening the dinar.

6-5-2022 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] …the dispensing of the cash will be different than before…this process to dispense the currency is called ‘note presentation’…some of these notes will be pooled into a dispenser in the ATM machines and they will be withdrawn as a package…called ‘bunch presentation’. Others will be presented one note at a time…In order to bring more security, stability and more control of their NSCN…they are going to be dispensing the NSCN in a very unique manner…Mustafa knows where every one of his NSCN will be at. I love it…

6-5-2022 Newshound Guru Tivon People need to really understand how close we are. They told you repeatedly that the Food Security Law is synonymous with the 2022 Budget. Mazhar Saleh told you that there’s only two legislative laws that can use the oil surplus or reserves. Which is FSL & The Budget…Because voting on the FSL is equivalent to voting on and opening the 2022 Budget. If they are both synonymous and we know the budget requires a rate change. Wouldn’t the same be true for the FSL?

6-5-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ Article: ”MIB Securities: USD/VND exchange rate may increase slightly in 2022” I was excited to see this…even though we are expecting it to be a lot higher. Think about this…an increase of one cent on a million VND would be a profit of $10,000. So you invest $50 bucks and suddenly you have a profit of $10 thousand dollars. Again…we expect much more.