Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-20-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-20-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-20-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Document: “Interior announces to obtain international rating for the first time” Quote: “The Interior Ministry announced on Tuesday, gaining international classification of international standards for the control of the Organization of the United Nations Security Council arms, pointing out that it gets a brilliant achievement for the first time at the national, regional and global level.” OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH Buddy!

6-20-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We’re Watching “WITH YOU”…”LESS THAN 30 DAYS” In our Opinionated, Formulated, Substantiated, Guesstimated, Rejuvenated, Illogic-ated…Viewpoint. MASSIVE.

6-20-2017 Newshound Guru mike Here you go [Guru] Enorrste: “A member of Iraqi Parliamentary Economic and Investment Commission Mamouri issued a statement regarding a significant decline in the reserves of Iraqi Central Bank up to 40 billion U.S dollars.” I didn’t pull that number out of a hat, it’s part of the equation. I’m betting we’ll know more in the next couple of months where the reserves are. For the record, I’m not putting words in Saleh’s mouth for a straw man’s argument, he said it: “The dinar today has become a strong and like a hard currency through the Bank’s policy Central control of the cash raised in the local market.”

6-20-2017 Newshound Guru mike So…roughly 60 trillion dinars in M0…also …officials in the GOI that illustrate the CBI reserves are between $40-$49 billion dollars. The results show that Iraq does not have 100% coverage of their outstanding M0 money supply. Why does Keywords state it’s covered? Who knows, it’s clear though that it’s not. He’s under a tremendous amount of pressure from the GOI for the dwindling reserves, people under pressure do weird things. …what are your thoughts, is the dinar, or will it be in the next 20 years, considered a “hard currency?” I think we all agree that the dinar will rise in value. Becoming a hard currency is a whole different ball game.

6-20-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru tman23 …The IQD reality could be between 285 fils to 299 fils to the USD…which would be 2.85 – 2.99…with a margin of +/- 3.5%…


6-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So what have we heard lately? Mosul is not an issue. Really? Mosul fighting is an issue for any RV as long as ISIS resistance is still on Iraqi ground. The International Cards are more wide spread and functioning at different rates some as high as $3.71. Really? NO, NO, NO. Why would anyone in Iraq be paid at any “new rate”. A dinar is a dinar. …the lower denominations…have not yet been launched. They want to get the RV done prior to the end of Ramadan. No – this is only a rumor and I know this not FACT! Ramadan has absolutely no impact on the RV…it doesn’t matter when Ramadan starts or finishes. It’s proven already to have nothing to do with the RV. It is my opinion we are still in a very good window for early summer for a rate change. Folks- we are very, very close.

6-19-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 IMO…we all have a good idea what is coming…we just don’t know when…or for how much…Why…because we don’t give dates or rates…pray that a new journey is on the horizon for you and will be all over you before you know it…..the BEST is coming… can be felt in so many ways…be ready…

6-19-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste [Guru] Mike …according to Keywords the “reserves” are $47 to $49 billion while you say they are $40 billion. That’s a big difference. Also, Keywords says this…: “the amount of foreign currency reserves in the bank exceeds the amount of local currency in Iraqi dinars.” Therefore, the money supply must be less than $47 to $49 billion, if Keywords is correct. He is quite specific in the quote above. The Gross Foreign Assets number I quoted is directly on the CBI website under Statistics then under Key Financial Indicators. This is an Excel spreadsheet… The numbers are on line 48 and 49 under Net Foreign Assets and Gross Foreign Assets. Belittling Saleh is a straw man argument. Neither he nor anyone on this forum claims that the dinar NOW is a world reserve currency. Therefore, putting that statement in his mouth and then knocking it down is moot, since he has never stated it.