Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-2-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-2-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-2-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The government is preparing to issue a new reform package mid this week” Wednesday there is to be meetings on the Laws needed for many things that include Laws for Monetary Reforms. I suspect that since they have been talking about the 2019 FMLA and the secondary markets it will be a day to watch close. …the reforms need the international rate to be applied to the currency to facilitate the ability for the IQD and the ISX to interlink internationally…

6-2-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …There’s a lot of things happening in Iraq that I can’t help to think to myself I’m not sure how they’re gonna do these things or how any of these are gonna be possible without having a currency that’s not recognized internationally. I just don’t know how some of these agreements that they’re getting into are going to be able to be fulfilled without having their currency rate changed or at least recognized internationally. There is some type of conference that’s coming up in July where they open up to the rest of the world to come on in and think about investing into Iraq. There is going to be a plethora of nations invited and I have a feeling you’re gonna see a lot of them come. Having said that it’s gonna be really hard for this to be accomplished if they don’t have a currency that’s recognizable internationally…

6-2-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni As for the dinar’s value, it is not at a program rate. That is guru’s taking a directive from the IMF and misrepresenting that meaning. The dinar exchange rate is it’s real rate… The currency is already an internationally-recognized currency they just haven’t accepted IMF Article VIII making international banks more willing to want to engage in commerce with it

6-1-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Any news from your Government contacts?] No…and that’s actually where I am looking for news all day today…. After they allowed bankers to sit there all weekend without an explanation, I started contacting all my government contacts…even some I havn’t talked to in a while…

6-1-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE NATIONAL: SENIOR IRAQI OFFICIAL LAYS OUT JUST HOW BAD IS COUNTRY’S FINANCES” So again we hear news about the necessity for Iraq to bring in investors and move to a private sector economy, taking pressure off the GOI to pay out these salaries each month. Why not let the private sector pay these salaries? But this will not come unless the investors flock in and this will not happen until they know that Iraq has a stable, global currency that can be easily exchangeable to their own currency of their country. When will Iraq reform their currency and get out of this program rate and 3 zero notes? They have gotten so used to surviving off the US dollar now it is hard to move from it.

6-1-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Is the RV real?] Absolutely…IMO…and also in the opinions of the bankers who are prepared for it…no part of me questions whether or not it is real.

6-1-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Al-Nusairi: Iraqi-Gulf economic ties are a step in the right direction for Iraq to return to its Arab depth” They have been vocal in recent past per [Guru] Delta (iho) that they have opened the ITB in SA yet, as they are like every one else, they need an international rate to deal with… Looks like the game is at the 2 minute warning now… imo… They are talking about internal and external banking that interlink with each other… They know what to expect by now… imo… Oh ya! It is not a program rate. They are talking on TV a rate change is coming. Alak told us and have others the right thing to do is not devalue the currency but to give value to it…imo! That is exactly what they are going to do…imo.

6-1-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] […we’ve always been told that we need distractions to RV…Riots would be a great distraction while we redeem…] They would be a great distraction and hopefully that is what we will see. …We need something huge to get out of all of this…..wouldn’t an RV be good about now. We have been told all along it was going to get ugly at the end…

6-1-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Newspaper: Iraqi-American negotiations will start on June 10″ I have a strong feeling they will need to have things sorted MR [Monetary Reform ?] wise prior to the meeting beginning on the 10th. They have a minster they need to place too, prior to that. It looks as that may be slated for Wednesday too. imo The convergence of many things of late is by no coincidence. …ECONOMIC is to be a main focus in the future, imo…

6-1-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Does anyone have any more info on the potential CBI satellite banks?] this is something frank [Guru Frank26] likely has the inside track on. This has never been talked about with my contacts. But I don’t doubt it’s validity…Frank by far has the best contacts in Iraq. That would hardly be surprising…