Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-18-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-18-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-18-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “FINANCE MINISTER ALI ALLAWI: WE WILL IMPLEMENT A PACKAGE OF REFORMS IN THE FINANCIAL AND BANKING SECTORS” Quote: “We will implement a package of reforms in the financial and banking sectors, and will restructure state-owned banks” says Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Ali Allawi as he lays out the broad outlines of the new reform program.” Remember too the finance ministry now has control over the Currency auctions as they have taken them over from the CBI. This is all very good news.

6-18-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] Now what is supposed to release is all new algorithms in place – all new rates on the screen and the Forex – and the bank screens…So that is what is looking good…You guys know that we never “call it”… I tell you what I’m hearing…whether it comes through as I’m speaking it or not is to be seen – but the information overall is very positive… Everything we’re hearing is pointing towards middle of the week…let’s see what happens – I’m pretty excited about the possibilities…

6-18-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Just curious as far what it will be worth after RV, will one Dinar be equivalent to one US Dollar?…] we may not know the exact rate until after the actual revaluation happens. My opinion is over $3 to the USD. But that’s my opinion…

6-18-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …For those of you who live in New York, if you’re trying to find a way to go buy dinar or buy Vietnam dong or any other currencies, if you live near the Trump Tower they obviously have a currency exchange center in the hotel. You could go to the hotel and buy Iraqi dinar. You can go in there and buy Vietnam dongs. You could go in there and buy other currency. It’s right there inside the Trump Hotel. All you have to do is go right there where it says currency exchange. Go to the window with US dollars and buy other currencies…

6-17-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …I have a number of bankers from Zurich to Hong Kong that are expecting it overnight…they believe this is it…I have not seen them this hyped up in a very long time.

6-17-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …a lot of people are coming to me saying, “Everywhere we go right now it’s really hard to find Iraqi dinar.” …Do not buy the ones with Saddam Hussein on there. Do not buy the Swiss dinar…This is something very interesting I’m seeing happening a lot…This is XXXX [Dinar Dealer site]…when you go down here and you select your currency…there’s a problem…they are out of stock of Iraq dinar. They have zero. None. None whatsoever. People are complaining…ZZZZZ [Another Dinar Dealer] has not sent a lot of people’s orders. They are way behind. They keep saying they’re going to send them and they still have not sent their orders…be very careful about who you’re dealing with…

6-17-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy If you live next to an International airport, most likely that airport will have a currency exchange center. You can go there and buy your currency there…just Google it…I think there’s a lot of speculators in here right now that are all anticipating the same thing we are. That we are very close to the rate change getting ready to take place therefore you can’t find it hardly nowhere…

6-17-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Yes, I’m a bit excited… OIL – Oil is a big deal. WTI is stable at just under $40. The previous Iraqi Budget was published at an expected rate higher than $40, and throughout 2019 the price of Oil never quite hit the mark they established for it, yet Iraq was able to sustain operations even at the lower price. Even more impressive is the fact that when Oil went to negative rates recently, Iraq didn’t crumble. They survived. And even more impressive than that is… Article: “Is OPEC’s No.2 Finally Complying With Output Cuts?” Quote: “OPEC’s second-largest producer, Iraq, which also happens to be the least compliant member of OPEC+ since the group started managing supply to the market in 2017, may have finally started taking its obligations seriously.” Oil, and Iraq, is on the move.

6-17-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The OPEC production cut agreement has made a significant impact on oil and it’s place in the world economy. Or, you could say the world economy and the price of oil – they are intertwined. As we move forward in 2020, this is a significant factor in Iraq’s ability to increase the value of their financial tools… and we are on the right path. …Kazzamie is kicking butt. Seriously – I have a list of over a dozen articles that I love from just the last few days. The only thing we are missing right now is the HCL. And even that “smells” close.

6-17-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan They just told us the other day that a POSITIVE SHOCK was coming to the citizens and foreigners (us). That was in respect to the their currency, imo… Raising the value of the currency will benefit the locals and us outside investors. Now they are telling the citizens that a surprise is coming to their value of the Central Bank, i.e., their currency is to have new value. Their currency auction window is where it will be reflected. The surprise is a rate change to come… A surprise is a good thing. A Positive Shock is a good thing…they last night started telling them on TV that surprise was coming then they published it in writing…They will have to move fast now…WOW!!

6-17-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …there’s a lot happening still now but what it all comes down to is this – taking the steps necessary to rebuild Iraq. Make sure they’re an independent sovereign nation all over again with an internationally recognized currency that is traded on the Forex…

6-17-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am told that Vietnam is planning a street release of .47 to .50 cents…with a contract rate of around $2. They are sitting on a whole lot of oil reserves and precious minerals…

6-17-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “AFTER COMING UNDER HEAVY CRITICISM … THE CENTRAL BANK STOPS THE CURRENCY AUCTION” …this article does NOT say the currency auctions were stopped. Again a translation issue from Arabic to English. It only makes reference that CBI governor has “UNJUSTIFIED INSISTENCE TO PROCEED WITH THE FOREIGN CURRENCY AUCTION WINDOW DESPITE ALL THE LOSSES AND RISKS INCURRED BY THE ECONOMY IRAQI.”. …If you go to the CBI site you will witness first hand that the auctions DID NOT in fact end. So this too is more proof. …This means the CBI was incompetent in the administration of the auctions. This should be the CBI’s responsibility and NOT finance committee…Now there is talk today too about wanting to bringing back Mr. Sinan al-Shabibi to the CBI… Article: “MR. AL-KAZEMI: RESTORING CONSIDERATION TO MR. SINAN AL-SHABIBI TO HEAD CBI”. This is of course, fantastic news, even to talk about it nonetheless do it. Let’s see…if al-Kazemi is really going to do it as he has the power…Will this happen?

6-17-2020 Intel Guru Delta …we know something is up. The value has to change. It’s no secret anymore. Of course we don’t know the exact date but it looks like we’re on the verge of seeing something happen…all good news in Iraq. We’re just waiting for them to flip the switch..