Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-10-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-10-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-10-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Kazimi and Ghaleb are in cahoots. They are on the same floor. They are standing on the same terra firma. They understand exactly what they are doing with their reforms. One of them is in charge of one reform. And the other one is in charge of the other reform but ironically enough one reform can’t be launched without the other reform going first or simultaneously. Ghaleb and Kazimi are in deep conversations with the Fab 4…they meet everyday…right now the topics they are having…are hot on the economic and monetary reforms…

6-10-2021 Intel Guru Bruce …you know I don’t go into rates – don’t go into detail – I just tell you they are still very strong – better than we ever thought they would be…

6-10-2021 *** Update *** As pointed out by community member and Honorary Guest Guru Ron, the dinar dropped out of compliance with the IMF’s 2% rule on 5/26/2021. The IMF requires the Central Bank of Iraq’s official rate and market rate to stay within 2% of each other for 90 days to qualify for Article VIII.

6-9-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “PARLIAMENTARY ECONOMY: THE STREET WILL EXPLODE IN THE FACE OF THE GOVERNMENT IF THE DOLLAR CONTINUES TO RISE” Quote: “…the Iraqi market has been witnessing great confusion for days due to the instability of the dollar exchange rate…” …How long will this devaluation continue? When will they finally delete the zeros and issue the lower denominations? When will they realize this is part of the problem and holding them back.

6-9-2021 Intel Guru Bruce …It has been fairly quiet – it is still quiet coming from the banks – and redemption centers… Now one really good source was indicating that we could get notified tomorrow [Wednesday] afternoon or Thursday morning – a later source told us everything is looking good for Thursday – for notifications…Thursday is looking very strong…

6-9-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Do I think the rate is going to stay where it’s at? Hell no it’s not. Not for no damn three years. Is it possible? Of course it is but I don’t see it.

6-9-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …in Iraq we have seen a number of articles this week that said they need to adjust their value…it is now up to them according to the world bank. So we are waiting for a shoe to drop and we don’t know what that shoe is. We are waiting for a flip or the switch… I had hoped that by this morning I would be wearing the RV shirt with the golden egg on the front based on conversations I had…yesterday. I am hitting a stone wall…not getting responses so it could be underway and we just don’t know it yet…right now I am getting dead silence from all my contacts. I am reaching out- no one is responding…I’m going to take this as a great sign.

6-9-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] The White papers have the new exchange rate. The white papers are the line items/game-plan for both of these reforms [monetary & economic]. The white papers are the when, how and why to do the monetary and economic reforms…this is a report that has been agreed upon by the Fab 4, CBI and Kazemi. It has been handed over to the World Bank to tell the World Bank this is the economic reform. This is the monetary reform…The World Bank has the economic reform and monetary reform on paper now and the mechanisms to make it all work…none of these line items are calculated to succeed at a program rate. None.

6-9-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “A second wave of price hikes as the dollar exchange continues to rise”. This is not right! This is pure evil. And this is what’s discouraging you…and people from thinking this is never going to happen. This is not the CBI. This is not Kazemi.

6-9-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …heard they would release the VND dong street rate at about .47 cents…then allow it to float up…but, we would be covered in a contract rate of the low #2 range…[What do you hear on the dinar?] I still hear the street rate will come out at just under $4…and we may see up to $8 on the contract side…

6-9-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We must all remember that the original reason why they changed out the Saddam notes for the larger 3 zero notes was to combat massive inflation and stabilize the economy. In 2003 it was on the brink of crashing. So now how does it look after almost 17 years of the larger three zero notes? Is it much better than in 2003? Okay so if you are really a student of Iraqi politics and finance you will learn that it does not have to be much better, only stable. Stable you say? How can the dinar be stable with the rate changing so much and being devalued? So maybe the time have come now to release the lower denominations as the three zero notes have out lived their original purpose? But to turn the currency back on the will still need the oil and gas law.