Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-1-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-1-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-1-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Stock Exchange announces postponing its sessions until next week” Fascinating they kicked the can down the road again… Allows for any necessary adjustments that may come their way? lol Yep, imo… With the CBIESD site still showing a massive change to the ISX Indice the chances of them coming back again at a program rate seem to be a no way situation, imo.. From today through June 4th. That is Thursday… Man things look good for us. If they need to notify people, from now through next Saturday could be a very interesting time to do so… If need be… imo

6-1-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Does anyone have any more info on the potential CBI satellite banks?] this is something frank [Guru Frank26] likely has the inside track on. This has never been talked about with my contacts. But I don’t doubt it’s validity…Frank by far has the best contacts in Iraq. That would hardly be surprising…

6-1-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Newspaper: Iraqi-American negotiations will start on June 10″ I have a strong feeling they will need to have things sorted MR [Monetary Reform ?] wise prior to the meeting beginning on the 10th. They have a minster they need to place too, prior to that. It looks as that may be slated for Wednesday too. imo The convergence of many things of late is by no coincidence. …ECONOMIC is to be a main focus in the future, imo…

5-31-2020 Intel Guru Footforward …all banks exchange dong. No banks except for Citi Bank exchange dinar right now because it’s not an internationally traded currency. There is the potential for satellite banks from the CBI to be in the US…Imo the CBI would have the best rates. They are playing with house money. It costs them nothing to cash us out…Hence why there would be no income tax in that case. It literally becomes a currency swap in the truest sense… Between those, our banks and currency dealers, we will have tons of options. No bank in their right mind is going to talk about post RV right now…

5-31-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article “Parliamentary Finance: Al-Kazemi has the powers to cancel the currency auction” …Say what? That’s right! Quote “members of the parliament finance committee confirms on Saturday that Prime Minister Kazemi owns the powers to cancel the foreign currency auctions at the central bank…” There are a lot of things going on…

5-31-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …this is my opinion. Nothing more. I’m strongly looking to the second half of June for a financial blessing and for Iraq to go international…

5-31-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “A Kurdish deputy calls on the Minister of Finance to take steps to stop manipulating Iraqi imports from Zakho to Basra” another gem talking about implementing radical financial reforms… Radical as in the removal of three zeros and apply REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate)? That would work for me..

5-31-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Trump has a lot more information and a ton of advisers that know a million things more than we all do but the point being if we’re just generally speaking the whole world’s economy needs a kick-start. In order for us to really have a booming economy here in the United States we’re going to have to rely on other countries as well to help us do that. We need to manufacture things and export them. We also need to import goods as well. So that means everyone has to start off at a level playing field. How do you make that happen? Change the rate. Why is the third quarter going to be slow? Because as the rate changes and we’re doing our exchanging the economy is only starting to rebound. The true numbers will pop out in the fourth quarter as more and more people go out and shop and buy and do what they need to do…I’m with you Trump and we all agree with you. We know a way that can make sure that the third and fourth quarters as well as next year are booming. Change the rate..