Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-31-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-31-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-31-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Daily exchange rates of the US dollar in the markets of Iraq” The CBI is keeping things fresh and open in peoples minds during this time frame. Education is on going and will continue! A good thing…

5-31-2019 Intel Guru DELTA Article: “Central Bank: The deletion of zeros aims to tighten banknotes and needs parliamentary legislation” Quote: “On the subject of the deletion of zeros, he said that “this administrative process aimed at tightening the banknotes and improve the accounting record in the country was launched in 2012, but there are some objections at the time and need legislation by the House of Representatives…” …FML WAS PASSED SO LEGISLATION IS DONE.

5-31-2019 Newshound Guru Bloodloch I do…think we’re getting close, just from the more legitimate news reports we’ve been getting.

5-30-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We are at a stand-off now waiting for more progress to happen in Iraq. Their entire plan for funding the reconstruction effort has fallen apart just like I said it would if they did not reinstate the dinar and attract this investment money. We also know the Iranian influence in politics is holding up the remaining ministers. …We also know the Iranian influence in trade is effecting the corruption of funneling US dollars to Iran to overcome some of the US sanctions on Iran. We see more smaller category notes being placed in banks. They pay the CBI for these notes by turning in the larger three zero notes they have collected from the currency auctions, etc, etc. …there is really NOTHING, other than corruption being allowed by the CBI, holding back the reinstatement from taking place. So we just sit tight and wait to see what happens next.

5-30-2019 Newshound Guru Bloodloch The new 50 dinar note, as someone pointed out, is worth about 5 US cents. I believe this may be the start of a transition to a new, more valuable “class” of currency, one made of very small denominations, but of very large value. People may tend to panic when they consider Iraq coming out with a new currency that will, EVENTUALLY, replace their old triple zero notes, but they should not. The CBI has reportedly stated that both currencies will exist side by side for years. This would actually explain what they meant by that statement. …once they issue the new very low denominations of dinars, and if they declare them to be equal to a US dollar, I believe the face value of total currency issued will drop precipitously and we will see a positive change in the foreign exchange rate of the old IQD within 60 days, given Iraq’s current velocity of money figure of about once every two months. THIS IS JUST THEORYCRAFT AND JUST ONE OPINION OF HOW IT MIGHT OCCUR, NOT HOW IT WILL OCCUR.

5-30-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ Everyone at the Redemption centers that I personally know are on high alert. …Hearing that 800 #s will be for international folks as well… [Will this ever really happen?] This will absolutely happen… Its not an “if” it’s a “when”…

5-30-2019 Intel/Newshound Guru American Contractor The Iraqi economic conditions are gradually getting better…The country is receiving more foreign investment as its coming in slowly…but the recent conditions like higher oil prices and higher public and private investment…Iraq is getting better. Iraq is working within the parameter of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund…The spread between the official and parallel exchange rate is getting closer (2%). Iraq has low inflation. Some say in the single digits. The Iraqi dinar is pegged to the USD. The CBI is using that to keep the inflation low. The CBI money supply has been contracting started last year. This may be a good thing. Will have to wait and see what develops with the IQD.