Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-24-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-24-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-24-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 These are good times for our investment because the things that are happening are not negative, they’re moving in a positive direction…we are right at the edge of cliff, on my tiptoes, with my arms spread wide open, with my chest sticking out leaning forward over this cliff and all I need is a little gust of wind to knock me over and fly like a bird into the international world with this new national currency…

5-24-2023 Newshound Guru NORV [aka Guru Kaperoni] …I have always stated with the success of Iraq’s economy will come the increase of the dinar. …some interesting news…Article: “The Social Security Law includes many privileges for workers in the private sector” This law was passed last weekend…This is critical to get people off the government payroll and working for the private sector which has been stated already will not only diversify Iraq’s economy but rebuild the country. Article: “Retirement: The insurance law will provide a salary for more than two million workers in the private sector.” They plan to launch this law in August. Which in essence means they will launch the private sector at that time. This is big news. So we can expect significant changes come August to Iraq’s economy coming yet this year.

5-24-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man It’s the CBI’s job to make a rate change adjustment. It’s not the parliament or it’s not the Council of Minister’s or the Finance Committee’s job to do that…

5-23-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Nothing is late. It’s actually on schedule. Many people think this should have happened last month or at the beginning of the year…but they don’t understand the logistics of what the CBI is doing with your [Iraq’s] monetary reform. You as a [Iraqi] citizen now understand. You see the evidence…

5-23-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Pretty quiet on the RV front today. On the banker side they are trying to figure out what to expect this week. I very much think this is still our month.

5-23-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East No one can change the rate besides the CBI…telling you the truth we’re not ready yet. They’re working on it. They have good news. They have good things going on but they’re not ready. When they’re ready you will know…we all will know…

5-23-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy I would like to see Iraq un-peg their dinar from the US dollar and peg to the same basket that the Arab Monetary Fund uses…22 or 23 nations are involved in this organization and they all trade using their own special dinar. That value is really high. It’s the SDR rate, which I think is 1.76 x 4. That’s how they figure out what the value of their [basket] dinar is worth.

5-23-2023 Guest Guru Dallasdude I personally have said for months that I did not expect a rate that favored us with the passing of the budget because they have said repeatedly for months that the official exchange rate will be in the 1300 range when budget is passed..their economy needs time to grow and over a period of time we hope gets in the 1 to 1 range or 1.50 to 1 whatever the case may be…this is not meant at all to be negative because quite honestly I really love the progress this current Iraqi administration is making…

5-23-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Remember when they had the 50s before? They got rid of them because they were worthless at the program rate. So they’re going to bring them back again? They’re useless. I think a 50 note would be about $0.03 cents with the program rate they have right now. Don’t get over excited, ‘Oh, the lower denoms are coming out now!’ I don’t know when. But they are in the process of the monetary reform education showing the citizens this is what we’re about to do…it’s a slow gradual process. It’s exciting is what it is!

5-23-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Things are quiet but remain very solid. I hear they have squarely targeted the month of May. I hope that is right.

5-23-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Planning: Items in the budget to address the impact of the dollar exchange rate” Quote “…serious discussions were held by the ministry, with the participation of the Investment Authority, government agencies, the Federation of Industries and other concerned authorities, regarding exchange rates and their impact on the market and therefore on citizens,”

5-23-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Let’s go back to Thursday. The Central Bank disabled electronic payment cards. We find that to be very interesting because we haven’t seen them do that before…we haven’t seen them come fully live yet…They said “maybe” in 2 days so in other words it could be a little longer…

5-23-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They just told us on television that the parallel market rate has been matched. They are telling us this over and over again. The parallel market rate has been matched. FRANK: It could possibly be a 1 to 1 rate or a 1 to 1.5 rate. Let’s see what they come up with. They may also be talking about matching the street rate. Either way it is an extremely positive move in the right direction…

5-23-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Remember in Kuwait…that morning of their RV they posted an article saying the RV was going to be months away… then that same day they went… this is normal. Expect misinformation …do not ride the roller coaster.