Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-15-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-15-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-15-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 They [Iraq] has to have liberalization of movement…they need a free market – a liberalization of their currency is important for the their currency to be viable. They need to be Article VIII – it’s not that they have to raise the value of their currency. That’s nice and good but they need to announce that they’re article VIII and international status. All of the articles cast a long shadow that proves that they are…they have to just announce it. And while they do that raise the value of your currency too. The goal is 1 to 1 in-country and out-country and then float it…international status will equal an increase in their value.

5-15-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [Are we going to get heavily taxed?] That does not make sense to me….I am told its already covered in the exchange…

5-15-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni If the Iraqi dinar is ever going to appreciate in value it will be as the IMF says…”a predictable and gradual appreciation.”…

5-14-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan There is a clear and concise move to digitalization for Iraq and the region. We saw the like of 200 Senior officials from banks and Central Banks around the world with the BUNA conference on the sixth of May. Then on the 8th of May there is more on the digital transformation of the country. Now we see 300 Banks and from 20 Arab States are to attend a virtual event on the same topic of digitization in the coming days. To gather this sort of attention is for a serious reason, one is for security and stability an other is transparency and to fight corruption.

5-14-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Keep in mind those that have a need to know of what to expect from the level playing field will be there. They…know now that Iraq is open for business. The recent NIC platform from the GOI told us that investors can now make application to get into investments. That will require international standards. Along with it an exchange rate that complies too. We see today they expectation to pay salaries is post Eid Al-Fitr. That is not far off…They will need to have show time sooner than later. Show time is 18th – 20th of May…imo Things are looking very good indeed!!!

5-14-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …today has been amazingly quiet… I think things are quiet for a reason…We have heard from one source the idea of things are going to roll out in 72 hours from yesterday [Wednesday] – which would put us to Saturday – that’s a possibility…I hate to say wait and see but that’s really where we are…

5-14-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra Remember, the dinar is still at a PR (sanctioned) rate. Even though they have been given a clear approval to move forward by the IMF/WB/UST they still are under the old rate. And because of that, they CANNOT use the IQD to purchase goods outside of their country. The only ‘mechanism’ they have currently is to trade their dinars with the banks for USD to purchase medicines, computers, Pepsi, and other good that are not manufactured in Iraq. So, they must continue to purchase using USD until they change their rate to an internationally recognized and accepted currency…the auctions serve two purposes: it allows for import purchases…as well as drawn in more notes from the citizens. Will this change after the RI…you bet! But for now, this is the necessary process in order to continue international trade to provide what Iraqi’s need to live. All IMO.

5-14-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [Can we negotiate rates?] …My sources say all the rates are set. I believe this to be true…

5-14-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Guru] Walkingstick and I shared with you that they have a date…and it is solid. It’s not a date that’s going to jump around all over the place. It is written in titanium. Remember that? So when I was talking with I-Team they said look at the 20th. We’re looking for the CBI to do something…it’s immovable…it’s solid…I-Team tells me almost the same exact words that Walkingstick told me almost 2 months ago. They overlap with each other. I told you, ‘In the near proximal future.’ – this date that they have that is carved in titanium. Apparently now is immovable and solid as well too…IOO.

5-14-2021 Intel/Newshound Guru Holly …We are very close, I still see …1 – 2 more weeks when the release happens just so you have realistic expectations…

5-14-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …I can tell everyone with complete and utmost assurance that there is NOT going to be an RV anytime soon unless the CBI announces going ahead with the project to delete the zeros. They have not. I know they are planning it and working out the details but the economy and other issues, such as the move to increase the reserves are standing in the way…They…need the Iraq constitution FULLY implemented. That means HCL and the Article 140 referendum that the constitution calls for. But not just written but passed in parliament and implemented successfully. Yes, these are the obstacles. We know that both of these referendums are in parliament being reviewed but not yet voted on.