Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-1-2022
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-1-2022
4-1-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “MINISTRY OF FINANCE SAYS 200 BILLION DINARS TRANSFERRED TO ERBIL SULAIMANI — ” Remember what the IMF told Iraq on its audits – they must pay the Kurds on a regular schedule and not hold up their payments. This seems to now be occurring. There will be no RV without this steady streams of payments. So this is all good …
4-1-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The chatter out of Iraq is still very positive. In a nutshell they are talking over there what the new government is going to look like, roadblocks to seating the new president have been removed and they expect to have one sat by the 4th…even though their goal was the 6th…It’s interesting that they have 2 goals on the 4th now….To have a new currency rate and anew government sat.
4-1-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy …Iraq, things aren’t looking too good there. They cannot seem to get their government officials into office…they’re supposed to have had already a president in place within 30 days. They obviously are a little past that. We’re going on I think it’s our 5th or 6th month and these people still have not got their president there. But now the courts are involved and threat once again of dissolving the parliament and moving into elections all over…
3-31-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “KURDISTAN REGION IS ABOUT TO ENTER THE GLOBAL ENERGY MAP IN LIGHT OF THE CHANGES TAKING PLACE IN THE REGION AND THE WORLD AT LARGE.” Quote: “…the Kurdistan region can provide the entire world with energy, not only Europe , stressing the quest to develop the gas and oil sector…” I don’t know about you but for me this is HUGE….WOW!!!
3-31-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Financial Control reveals to / Magazine News/ important information regarding exchange rate” Yes they’re still talking about it [The exchange rate]…The rumor is if they change the exchange rate that will somehow bankrupt the Central Bank? Oil prices are higher than ever. There’s a surplus of money coming into Iraq . Their foreign reserves build ups so high and they’re saying a slight change to the exchange rate would somehow bankrupt the country? That’s interesting.
3-31-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Quote “The bankruptcy of the Iraqi Central Bank is incorrect…Bankruptcy is unlikely.” That’s what I thought…They’re saying there’s no threat of a bankruptcy. At the same time you can tell they have no interest in changing the exchange rate at the moment. Again, that doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen….
3-31-2022 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “The Iraqi government reduces the official working hours during the month of Ramadan”. IN PRINT…THEY STILL WORK DURING RAMADAN. imo
3-31-2022 Newshound Guru Militiaman …The CBI could do as they have in the past, change the rate when they are ready. They have the FM [Finance Minister ?] on board, they even have the politicians all on board based off many articles on the matter. So, it is not like there is going to be any ‘hold on a minute.. I didn’t want purchasing power… You can’t change the rate until all of us politicians sit in our respective seats.’ lol…Security and stability and the settlement of differences has been sorted and has played out too. All imo a very good time we are in.
3-31-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am hopeful this will finally be “it” this week. I am hopeful Iraq will finally have a new value on the dinar before we hit the fourth on Monday. We are here at what appears to be the end…
3-31-2022 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Disclosure of the deadline for deciding the position of the President of the Republic” Quote: “The deadline for voting on the President of the Republic legally is the sixth of next April…in the event that Parliament fails to resolve the position…the only legal option is to implement the article 61 First of the Constitution …Article 61 includes two parts… The first is that the House of Representatives dissolves itself at a request submitted by two-thirds of its members…which is an unlikely option…
3-31-2022 Newshound Guru Samson …The other way…is for the Prime Minister to submit a request to the President of the Republic to dissolve Parliament…the President of the Republic will issue a republican decree to dissolve Parliament without the need for a vote by the House of Representatives. The only point of controversy in the second option is the absence of a legal text or interpretation of the authority of the caretaker government and the possibility of sending it to such a request to the President of the Republic…
3-31-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “ALI ABDUL-AMIR ALLAWI, CONFIRMED, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 2022, THAT THE WHITE PAPER RESTORED BALANCE TO THE IRAQI ECONOMY” yes, yes, yes, this is exactly the talk we need to hear from the finance minister at this time. It is the White Paper along with pressure from all sides that is going to get us the reinstatement of the dinar back on Forex.