Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-25-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-25-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-25-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV has the following information scrolling along the bottom of television screens…The National Oil Law has been officially ratified and will be published in the Gazette right away. Approximately 1,000 arrest warrants for corruption by political leaders, including former Prime Minister Maliki, have been issued today. Article: “URGENT The President of the Republic approves the law of the Iraqi National Oil Company” Quote: “The statement added that “this law was sent for publication in the Official Gazette” Article: “International” arrest warrants for hundreds of “corrupt” Iraqis, including a former prime minister”

3-25-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article quote: “The dollar witnessed the exchange rate of the dinar against a significant decline recently due to increased selling hard currency at the central bank auction rate as sales exceeded $ 250 million per day after it was more than $ 130 million in the past years. …I cannot recall ever seeing an article stating that sales was over $200 million in a day. And with the IMF and UST helping them reduce the spread I find it unlikely that this is not closely watched.

3-24-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE PRESIDENCY INVITED THE PARLIAMENTARY BLOCS TO A MEETING ON 29 TO VOTE ON THE PENDING IMPORTANT LAWS” …note he did not say they are going to do it, but rather he said they were “invited” to do it. So let’s see if it really happens.

3-24-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Abadi informs that all contractors will be given treasury bonds to pay their debts. Abadi indicated that all employees of all regions will be paid next week. Iraqi TV was reporting that a new date of March 27 (instead of March 29) was announced for Parliament to meet in-session and complete the votes on the 20 remaining laws. This two-day shift up provides a buffer for Abadi to react by March 29 if a quorum is not established at the March 27 session.

3-24-2018 Newshound Guru sandyf Talks with WTO stalled because the Kurds would not toe the line but things are changing and we may see some movement on that shortly.

3-24-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: “Warka clients are now permitted to purchase Warka stock from the funds now deposited in their bank accounts participating in the capital increase in accordance with the banking laws.” …This is nothing more than the bank selling stock to increase capital in their own bank. The stock is selling for less than a penny USD. Yes if they sell a lot of it and the IQD does get revalued the bank stands to make a ton of money.