Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-14-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-14-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-14-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat As oil prices rise Iraq is bouncing back. We see them accumulating yet more funds in the CBI reserves. This is all very good! They will need this to RV. Remember that in 2012 Dr Shabibi has nearly 90 billion in the reserves and kept the provisional rate to 1166. Remember Dr Shabibi planned to revalue the currency in 2012 and then reinstate it in early 2013. So, in today’s day and age and all that is happening in the USA I would not doubt that an RV could happen before they opened the budget…

3-14-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am still told we will have a limited amount of time to exchange these notes……about 30 days to exchange those big 3 zero notes…Even if they do a 1 to 1 in-country…I still think at the bare minimum they will reinstate the currency internationally…with inflation I think that could be in the $4 range for dinar…The rates for all currencies…we will not know for sure until we are at our exchange.

3-14-2021 *** Update *** The CBI has maintained less than 2% spread between the dinar’s official rate and the market rate for approximately 82 days. This means the dinar is within 7 days of fulfilling the IMF’s 2% for 90 day rule. Several gurus feel the dinar cannot RV/Increase, graduate to Article 8 and become international until this milestone is met. If the CBI maintains the market rate at the current rate this rule will be met on March 20th. You can always see the CBI’s official rate and market rate listed on the left column of this page. Stay tuned as the gurus let us know if Iraq ascends to Article 8 and international status. The latest guru post continue below…

3-13-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Adjusting the exchange rate of 1200 dinars … Deputy: The decision is exclusively in the hands of two parties – urgent” Quote: “Obligated to return the exchange rate to what is was and what is stated in the 2021 budget…” Well that is the million Dinar Statement of the Decade imo lol… What is that rate at which they speak? If it is the program rate, why hide it? They wouldn’t… This article…is a doozy…

3-13-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff December 20th they devalued the currency. That was the launch and implementation of the reforms. That was nothing more than a 90-day tool in preparation for the rate change to withdraw and bring in 3-zero notes from the citizens and within the country of Iraq . So Iraq has already technically started and have implemented the reforms by devaluing their currency…March 21st is a holiday we’re looking for. It’s the same exact historical Sunday when Kuwait changed the value of their currency in ’91…that’s our best guess as to when the rate’s going to change…

3-13-2021 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “New changes to the exchange rates of the dollar attract the attention of the Iraqi street … “big” consequences that economists predict” Quote: “Wide anticipation continues in the Iraqi street for any new decision related to changing the exchange rate of the dollar again in Iraq” MUSIC TO OUR EARS! imo.

3-13-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Al-Sadr’s Alliance is distancing the Kurdistan Region from delaying the budget and disclosing other differences” Quote: “…the dispute over the Kurdistan Region’s share in the 2021 budget is not the reason for the delay in voting on it by the House of Representatives…” Even Sadr is stating that the reason for the delay is not Kurdistan Region’s share of the 2021 Budget, but, that is about technical differences and issues with the Dinar exchange rate to the dollar. Well go figure. They all know what the exchange rate means to the country.They have been very busy today about talking about the private sector and going global. To do so will require a strong exchange rate, at least not one at a program rate…

3-13-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …it is safe in my view to presume that the new exchange rate would precede any vote or there would be concerns of significant consequences from the people. That vote is slated for Monday… there is pressure from and on many fronts to adjust the exchange rate and soon…Even the UN is pushing hard…imo I like March in a big way…imo.

3-13-2021 Intel Guru Michael Cottrell [Any thoughts on timing?] I think we are very close….i would not be surprised if it happens in the next 2 weeks…

3-13-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff The CBI will never ever tell you when they’re going to revalue the currency. Nor will they ever tell you what the value of the currency is going to be. Has the CBI ever given their preferred ideal time frame when they would like to change the value of the currency? The answer is yes…at the beginning of a fiscal period. Second, you can not research Iraq’s fiscal year on the internet…I have consulted with Iraq’s government…Iraq’s budget is April through March of the following year…when you look at historical action it’s real easy to piece it together. That means they’re pretty much going to change the rate most likely in late March exactly how Kuwait did…

3-13-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat All the news this week is about passing some much-needed legislation in parliament. Right now there are two laws on the table to vote on. The Federal Court Law and the 2021 Budget. We were originally told earlier this week the budget would be voted on in next Monday’s session but now we are told it will be held up due to the also wanting to take up the Federal Court Law in the same session. The law is still being fine-tuned.