Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-8-2022
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-8-2022
2-8-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “FINANCE: THE ECONOMY HAS BEGUN TO RECOVER AS A RESULT OF THE REFORM STEPS IN THE WHITE PAPER” Again I will add that the “White Paper” is what is going to get us the RV.
2-8-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [So they are kicking the can again?] I don’t think they are kicking the can…I think the schedule is set and its playing out. I think it appears to be that way because we do not know the timing.
2-7-2022 Newshound Guru Clare TAKE NOTE EVERYONE: “Legal expert Ahmed Al-Abadi revealed that if Parliament fails to pass the President of the Republic, the current president will continue his duties normally, until the next elections are held after 4 years” AND PARLIAMENT HAS BEEN VOTED IN AND THEY ARE WORKING…IMO.
2-7-2022 Guest Guru Godlover I believe we will have our answer within the first quarter, good or bad. I expect the government to be seated, budget read, voted on & passed by parliament within the first quarter. The opening of the 2022 budget is the ultimate thing I look for. Whatever it opens at, I believe will be the rate they use for the whole year.
2-7-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Parliament ended today without electing a president…they did not have a quorum…we were expecting that. I am still hearing this is not a condition for the change of rate and still hearing that rate change is expected by mid week this week according to my Iraqi sources. The CBI is completely separate from the GOI.
2-7-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready Article: “Article: The House of Representatives ends its deliberative session and postpones the election of the President of the Republic” [It’s official no vote today] I can’t see continuing the caretaker government indefinitely….I think the federal court will step in, if the stalemate continues…Usually, when the legislative branch causes a constitutional crisis, the judiciary steps in to solve the problem.
2-7-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni If the dinar is ever going to go up in value (which I expect), it will be based on economic growth and success of Iraq’s economy. Iraq has work to do by forming a gov, passing laws, creating a suitable investment environment…Iraq devalued the dinar about a year ago to encourage production in country and to reduce imports. So it’s clear until that changes and Iraq starts manufacturing their own goods, products and agriculture there would be no reason to raise the value of the dinar…
2-7-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] On the domestic side this week I am still hearing they are moving forward with the currency part by the 9th or on the 9th. So I am still very hopeful…We are going to have a very, VERY event filled next 3 days…is what I was told. Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. Based on what I am hearing I fully expect over the next 3 days some type of announcements that let us know that we have “gone” or when we are “going”. We are on the precipice watching it play out.
2-7-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy I heard rumors that you were told that there’s a time limit on it. There’s no time limit on it. There’s no tier one. There’s no tier two. There’s no special arrangement. You just take the currency in and get it exchanged. Whether it’s at the bank or the foreign currency exchange place. There’s no redemption centers. There’s no 800 number…there’s no secret intel people. One person knows when it’s gonna happen and one person only and he was mentioned in the article…hang tight and stay grounded.