Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-23-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-23-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions2-23-2019 Newshound Guru EHankins “REPORT: IRAQ ANNOUNCES THE DISMANTLING OF THE LARGEST FUNDING NETWORK FOR “DAHESH” Quote: “A recent report said that the State of Iraq announced the dismantling of the largest funding network of the group “Daash” terrorist.” …stopping the thievery and future potential corruption obviously is a very wise move of opportunity just imagine the possibilities of what the bad guys could have would have done with the stronger dinar when the RI happened … It is extremely encouraging seeing them stopped…

2-23-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Some still want to believe in an overnight event such as a RV or RI. But it is physically impossible for the CBI do such a thing. To much money in circulation, could never afford it, nor does it make any scientific/logical sense. What does make sense is for Iraq to raise the value gradually. Such an event would allow for the reduction of dinar, allow for the CBI to profit from the appreciation and reduce inflation as investors/investment comes into Iraq.

2-22-2019 Intel Guru Delta “REPORT: IRAQ ANNOUNCES THE DISMANTLING OF THE LARGEST FUNDING NETWORK FOR “DAHESH” Quote: “A recent report said that the State of Iraq announced the dismantling of the largest funding network of the group “Daash” terrorist.” …IMO THAT IS WHY THE CBI DID NOT RI YET… BUT NOW IT’S CLEAR TO GO…THIS IS HUGE…ALSO THEY WERE USING THE CBI AUCTIONS FOR FUNDING…THAT’S WHY IMO THEY HAVE TO STOP THE AUCTIONS ASAP..

2-22-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …the IMF cannot force CBI to do anything…that being said the CBI is a member in the IMF and agreed to the conditions of that membership and one of the conditions stated says member countries have to strive for Article VIII as soon as possible. So I do not think the CBI will drag their feet to meet move from Article XIV to VIII much longer when that is the intent in the plan.

2-22-2019 Intel Guru Bruce [via PinkRoses] There was an outside shot that we would get the start today [Thursday]. It did not happened. …It didn’t happen because our lovely banks were not completely compliant…Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Citibank were not complete or compliant with the RTGS…by 3:15 pm this afternoon [Thursday] all the major banks were compliant…That is why we couldn’t go today, but we could be in position to go after today. I think we can finally call Iraq complete. They started paying out their citizens last…Saturday or Sunday…paying them all at a new rate on their Qui cards. These were salaries. This was money that was paid as a result of the oil and gas law, the so called: HCL, Hydro Carbon Law…

2-22-2019 Intel Guru Bruce …We are hearing really good information. We think this is it…I am telling you things are moving…This RV/GCR has been rolling out slowly since this past Monday. …It is like that Heinz Catsup commercial, the Anticipation Song. The catsup is pouring out, but taking a long time to pour out. That is like what we are experiencing. …I have been told to be alert…I do not know when it is going to happen, but I do feel good about where we are in the process. I told you I wasn’t going to call it, and so I am not. I can’t, because I could be wrong. I am excited as I ever been for this to go thru.

2-22-2019 Newshound Guru EHankins Article: “Signing a commercial economic agreement between Iraq and Kuwait” Quote: “the Iraqi-Kuwaiti agreement is a first step in the right direction to activate economic and trade relations and overcome the problems of the previous phase.” [This is a significant piece to understanding where we are in the MR…we are at the doorstep to our reward. Just ask yourself, why was this done now and so quickly.] I couldn’t agree more …. in my opinion this screams we indeed are on the other side …. both feet planted firmly because we have been prepared in advance.