Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-18-20
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-18-20
2-18-2020 Intel Guru Delta …the Central Bank of Iraq posted the updates on their spreadsheets and financial status…46 million dollars just for the month of December worth of lower denominations and that was the equivalent of about 825 billion dinar …so far right now they’ve printed 180 million worth of currencies. And we all know this isn’t just the paper notes that this also includes coins. For them to do that gives you an indication that they’re moving forward there’s no doubt about that…
2-18-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …they have failed twice IMO to bring forward the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar.
2-18-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat First, I want to clarify what we might hear in the news and how they represent it. When they say “Allawi’s new government” what do they mean? …They mean the new cabinet selection for the ministries not parliament. Parliament is not being replaced at this time. To replace parliament, they must hold national elections…When they do conduct these elections, this will NOT include selecting yet another prime minister and his cabinet, as many might think. Allawi will stay the full term up to 2022 (2018-2022) … WE have also confirmed this with the legal in Iraq…
2-18-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ The news coming in is so great…When so much good news comes in from all sources it’s a bit scary…I’m tentatively excited but consider all as rumor until we have money in the bank. Bankers are excited and they just tell me what they are being told. I keep hearing from the banking side that tonight is the actual release…but there is stuff happening behind the scenes. My last conversation in Iraq was Saturday Night. Rumors they have a new rate from others but I cannot prove or disprove it…I also hear it [the dinar] may be around $3.45 to $3.50 now…The dong I still hear the street rate will start at .47 and float up…We know we are close…
2-17-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV news broadcasting Allawi meeting with the blocs about the vote… stating there will be 302 ministers of the 329 that have agreed to vote. This represents approximately 90% of Parliament. Allawi has been pushing to get his cabinet passed by making sure he has the votes secured before presenting it to Parliament. It now appears that the vote will be taken on Tuesday or possibly Thursday.
2-17-2020 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf Holding on the myth surrounding Kuwait is clutching at straw. The text of the document “The Impact of the Iraqi Invasion on the Kuwaiti Banking and Financial System: Lessons Learned from a Financial Crisis” is encrypted and cannot be copied. On page 3 it states that after the CBK had determined the currency that had been looted, the 3rd issue of the KD was abrogated as legal tender by Amiri decree, in other words it became invalid. A 4th issue was prepared and ready in December 1990. Only those with a legitimate right to be in possession of the 3rd issue were allowed to exchange that for the 4th issue at a value the 3rd issue had before the occupation.
12-17-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There are some signs…that once the new government is in place they will revise the 2020 budget to only cover expenses. If true, that means the public/private partnership to begin reconstruction will be put on hold until next year. Guess we will wait and see.
2-17-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ No new rate in Iraq as of late on Saturday…no update yesterday…I am hearing phenomenal things…I am more than a little hopeful today…
2-17-2020 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf [Does Iraq have to be in Article 8 status to have an international currency…] …The question is invalid as there is no set definition for an international currency. The term is based on a vague set of parameters mainly about convertibility and how much is us used in international trade, very few currencies are considered to be international in that respect. Article 8 makes a currency internationally recognized, something completely different. The terms of Article 8 ensure that a country must guarantee redemption of that currency and international banks are reluctant to handle a currency without that guarantee. Article 8 does not prohibit a bank from dealing in an art 14 currency, there are a few in this area and the local banks deal with them. Neither is Art 8 a restriction on a country changing the value of it’s currency, I think it was 2014 when the Myanmar currency went from about 6 to the USD to around 900 to the USD. The largest official change in the value of a currency ever seen.