Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-9-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-9-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-9-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …we read in articles that Iraq could no longer obtain outside loans. They exhausted the internal loans from their banks to pay the salaries for August and September. So then all of a sudden, we get articles telling us the IMF is willing to loan money to Iraq. …Also, at about the same time the IMF says they will now loan money to Iraq…they come out with a statement telling the public that Iraq will go 1:1 with the dinar before the end of the year…they are finally opening up ad educating the public. Like I said this is not a secret and they can’t hide it.

12-9-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the tellers. That’s where we are at…Kazemi is this close {fingers close together} to bringing the CBI governor with him to make an announcement to the citizens of Iraq. BTW this information had to trickle down slowly. For you, the international world? No. The Iraqi citizens. Why? It must not fail with the Iraqi citizens…

12-9-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …Call me crazy but I can’t help but think the first rate you see is going to be some type of teaser rate…right now I get 1190 dinars for one of my dollars. They might say ‘ok, we’ll increase the rate and now you only get 800 or 900 dinars for $1′. So it might not be anything really big. So just be careful…so what are you gonna do Pimpy? …you earn back your money plus 25%. No, I’m just gonna sit on my dinars because I know what’s coming. The more developed that country becomes the more outside investors come in there the more the dinar goes up in value. I think what they’re gonna try to do is suck us speculators in there…who have been waiting 16 years and right now they’ll take anything and you’ll dump your dinars on the market and they will pick them up dirt cheap and eventually it will start to go up in value…It’s exciting times right now.

12-8-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Here’s another thing you need to know. I don’t mind sharing it with you. There has been large. And I mean extremely large movement on Iraqi dinar, especially in the last year. They’re going to a lot of institutions, specially central banks. I was thinking ‘why the hell is this happening’? What is going on that they are not saying?’ There’s been a lot of speculation out there. Yes, it appears finally some type of rate change is going to come out.

12-8-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …everyone reading this…today should be VERY HAPPY! …Just about all the major news coming from Iraq in the last two weeks is about the currency…this week it’s all about the currency again…WOW!! …I am now told by the CBI that they “fully” expect to complete the “project to delete the zeros” before Christmas on December 25th. They also told me the denominations they plan to roll out are 1,5,10 and 25 notes. The coins come a little late.

12-8-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Oil disturbs Iraq’s 2021 budget: an expected update of the “dinar exchange are” and amending the numbers to reduce the financial deficit!” …Oil prices are still going up… Quote: “the minister of Finance and the International Monetary Fund to update the Iraqi dinar exchange rate before the end of the fiscal year.” That’s by the end of March…

12-8-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra The IMF did come out and say that they were discussing with the Finance Committee and the CBI…the rate of the dinar against the dollar…it’s very clear these events are happening for a reason, timing wise. And this event is truly a global event…it’s a very exciting time…the rate is right before us…

12-8-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [RV and rate by end of month. That’s their end of Fiscal year.] I am definitely hearing that from Iraq and out of Europe. The chatter I am getting out of Europe and from banking contacts is to look for it around the 14th…the chatter from Iraq is they will have a new value before the end of the year. So, according to Iraq we are in a 3 week window. I think there may be some meat for this mid month thing…that is the chatter I am hearing from everywhere at his point…I am looking for a December RV… So hang tight as we watch this week play out.

12-8-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …there’s negotiations between the IMF, which to me is the Fab 4, with the Minister of Finance regarding what? The budget? No. Regarding the white papers? No. Regarding changing the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar. That’s a powerful statement for these people to be saying. I was floored by it…

12-8-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Parliament Presidency: The 2021 budget will be approved faster than its predecessors” I’m excited about it. I’m curious to see where this is heading. Yes, we know about the rate change. It looks like it’s going to happen. I’m surprised they’re being so open about it…It looks like this budget is going to be done ahead of time. Nice. We’ll see.

12-8-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Urgent Parliamentary Finance: The government will reformulate the 2021 budget and send it to Parliament next week” Quote: “Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund to update the exchange rate of the the Iraqi dinar…” I stressed to you that the borrowing law was the last step needed in order for them to change the exchange rate. That’s why right now Iraq’s putting a huge emphasis on the exchange rate, their economy and on the banking reforms…they have to change the rate by the back wall the end of March…everything’s looking really good…