Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-5-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-5-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-5-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick and Intel Guru Frank26 The ATMs in Iraq’s banks are soon to go live with the new small category notes because the ATMs must be on the same page with the banks of Iraq…they are not live right now but we will know when they go live…

12-5-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling Here’s what’s interesting. I want you to understand this. Especially the pro Trump people. You know I’m a conservative. The people that created the Iraqi dinar are hoping that Biden gets in. That’s Cheney, Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld all these guys. Isn’t that kinda strange? A lot of people are incorrectly thinking that if Trump doesn’t stay in office this thing is over…Cheney, Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld all these guys they want Biden to get in. Completely against what I want but that’s the reality prism you need to look through…

12-4-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “An economist calls for deleting the three zeros from the dinar to strengthen the local currency.” Quote: “He added: The monetary mass can become approximately 15 to 25 trillion (billion?) dinars and the value of the new dinar converges to the value of the dollar, which facilitates the process of calculation and allows small and new denominations of cash to appear in the money market.” The economist in the above seems to b suggesting a new dinar is to be the value of the dollar… If that is not leakage I don’t know what is. There are people on the ground in Iraq talking about the exchange rate change that is coming. This is evidence of it too. We know they printed a new issue of currency from the CBI site, imo. They spent money and large sums of money on it. To adjust to or converge to the value of the dollar, they will have a need for the new issue…

12-4-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …We’ve got things happening – things moving…which lends us to believe – hey …this is different…things are happening that are pushing us along – moving us forward… we thought for sure we would be done by the 15th of December – now our new date appears to be the 22nd of December… I believe Pres Trump wants this to happen so that we have an unusually strong Christmas…I am excited…

12-4-2020 Intel Guru Delta This is the first time I see coordination between the parliament, the government and the CBI. For the first time ever you see parliament asking the CBI to delete the 3 zeros and make the currency stronger. We’ve never had this before. This is good news because everyone is lining up with everything…

12-4-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [When does the 2021 budget start?] they are trying to vote on it this Saturday. It would come into effect April 1, 2021…But I’ve always felt the budget doesn’t matter…

12-4-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The chatter out of Iraq is that they are looking for a new rate…possibly as early as Saturday…which is tomorrow …or by Sunday morning. They are moving forward and things are heating up…. I have been told by 3 people on the ground that this is their target…I will be staying close to the computers and the phones this weekend and if I get any breaking news I will share it with you…I am very excited that things seem to be heating up again finally…

12-4-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 someone says to me ‘Frank, if Biden is elected president this all goes down the toilet doesn’t it?” As far as the Iraqi dinar monetary reform goes that belongs to Iraq and Iraq is a sovereign country. They can do what they want…Iraq is now going to be the central financial hub of the Middle East and all the middle eastern countries will support them in a basket…

12-4-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “IRAQI GOVERNMENT SETS NEW DATE FOR DEBATE ON 2021 BUDGET BILL” Quote: “He added that the government is continuing to hold elections on time.” We need to all pray that the CBI moves ahead, as planned, to reinstate the dinar prior to elections in June. If not we could be waiting yet another year.