Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-3-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-3-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-3-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling It’s a beautiful thing what’s happening right now. One way or the other I promise you it doesn’t matter if Biden is in there or Trump is in there. Nothing has been taken off the table. The difference is going to be the rate on it climbing. Under Biden or Under Trump it’s going to come out the same rate whether it’s .53, .46, .70 whatever but how it climbs from that point on will be determined on the way they’re structured the market. Biden is different from Trump. That’s all it is…it’s the speed that changes. That’s it. So nothing to worry about…

12-3-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …we have reason to believe that some green light so to speak have been lit already and…we are expecting things to happen in a relatively short period of time for us…the information we’re getting out of Iraq is that the ATM machines that are loaded in Iraq with the lower denominations of the new Iraqi Dinar are to be switched on and finally turned on either tomorrow (Wed) or Thursday. …we are looking for Iraq to put out an international rate…probably tomorrow [Wed] or Thursday…

12-3-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] The latest information is telling us that certain banks – our sources for this – from the high end corporate level – that we are in a very narrow window right now – in fact – from 4 separate sources I am getting a within 36 hour window …from 8 o’clock Eastern – tonight [Tuesday]…the timing for the release…from a very interesting and qualified source… depending on what time zone you’re in…this could be a very late at night or very early morning event for us…I’m excited – more than I’ve ever been – the fact that it really does appear this is coming to a distinctly beautiful ending for us…

12-3-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [What is your best guess on the dong rate…] My best guess is it is going to be around $2.25…this is just a guess…that is what I have heard, and seen when doing research….and what makes the most sense imo.

12-2-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff “Deleting the zeros” could mean deleting zeros off of the physical note themselves or off the rate. When they reference “delete the zeros” they mean in a way 2 things. They do mean delete zeros off the note but that’s because…they’re gonna replace the larger 3 zeroed notes with smaller notes and nothing greater than a 100 dinar. But the phrase “deleting the zeros” really means deleting zeros off the exchange rate [.00086 becomes .86 ]. The only way they can strengthen the dinar is to replace large notes with small notes and delete zeros off the exchange rate to increase the value. That’s all this means. Nothing more.

12-2-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …IMO there are 5 steps that we are looking at…What are the 5 steps? 1. The executive bankers they met with the CBI and the CBI told the executive branch level of all the banks in Iraq this is what we are doing with the monetary reform. The count. The printing. The new exchange rate. The date we want to do this. The rate we’re gonna come out at…that was two weeks ago…now step 2. The Senior executive level at the banks. That was last week…step 3. This week the floor managers are going to start receiving their information…Step 4 that would be the tellers…that will probably be more than likely next week or the week after. The Managers this week and then it goes to the tellers… Step 5. The Citizens…it’s going fast.

12-2-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND INTENDS TO LEND IRAQ 7 BILLION DOLLARS”…we know Iraq does not have the funds to pay salaries beyond September. They are late already paying our November’s. Okay so why would the IMF all of sudden change its mind and decide to loan Iraq money? They just told us 6 months ago there was a moratorium on loaning any money to Iraq . So, what has changed? I will tell you…it was the fact that Iraq presented the “white paper” and the second major reform on it is the project to delete the zeros…by completing this project it leads to the reinstatement we are looking for. …this article is yet another indication that the reinstatement is much sooner than later.

12-2-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …the deletion of the zeros what that means is devaluing the currency the Iraqi dinar. Which is not the same as deleting the zeros off the rate. That’s different. I’m talking about deleting the zeros off the dinar. So what happens is 1000 dinar becomes 1 dinar…that doesn’t help Iraq at all…There’s a lot of back and forth about this…you’ve got one person talking about they need to delete off the exchange rate, which we love and support that of course because that’s good for us. But the deletion off the currency is not good…just be happy that they’re talking about it…we want to see what they do not what they say…

12-2-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling People are looking at the Iraqi dinar and saying, ‘there has never been a currency ever that they added that much value over night. How can they do that.” …that value was taken away. It’s not inflation. How did they take it away? They printed more currency..

12-2-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] What I am seeing right now is continued in Iraq and Vietnam as they prepare for the change in the value of their currencies. This is what brings me the most comfort right now. It has gone from the CBI level to the individual bank level in Iraq as they work on the education process. …timing wise my best guess is it will happen sooner rather than later.

12-2-2020 Intel Guru Bluwolf …I like many have very good sources and in very high places…I take my responsibility very seriously…I speak only when the time is precise and I cut it very short…The variables or shifts that transpire is not because of false information but SIMPLY BECAUSE OF CORRUPT GOVERNMENT PARTIES AND THERE PUPPETRY AGENDAS AND THE SO CALL ELITES…

12-2-2020 Intel Guru Bluwolf …I don’t control this outcome…that is up to your Commander in Chief and…my voice as of many others have reach his ears and we have encourage to give the GO. And you know what he is really pushing it forward thanks to all who have written to him. We encourage him to release the RV/redemption last 2nd of October and he ordered it but then because of a security breach that was postponed somehow till today…Your blessing are now just hours away… And this will only get done if Mr.President overrides everything and does so. …”WE WILL HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS.”

12-2-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Iraq seeks to “sell things” at about $5 billion to citizens” …This is huge. This is monstrous. Bonds. No other guru is talking to you about this…this is so important. The article very plainly tells you, ‘we are going to fix the exchange rate…it’s going to be fixed against the American dollar.” That’s a rate of 1 to 1. They told you that many years ago and now they’re telling you again now…

12-2-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …By raising the value of the Iraq dinar the citizens can go and buy these bonds as an investment with the Iraqi dinar…If you try to buy these bonds with the American dollar the GOI is going to tell you – nope. No can do. You have to buy with Iraqi dinars…by selling these bonds it’s going to help the dinar – monetary reform. Brilliant.

12-2-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “An economist calls for deleting the three zeros from the dinar to strengthen the local currency” Another good article to share with you…talking about deleting the zeros to strengthen the dinar. Notice how they used the word “strengthen” the dinar. I don’t have to tell you from my opinion it’s strengthening. They’re telling you it’s strengthening…over the last 3 to 6 months they put a lot of articles out talking about devaluing the Iraq dinar. Now they’re talking about strengthening the dinar…notice how they’re doing this now and they’ve put an emphasis on it for the past week…this article straight up tells you strengthening the Iraq dinar…