Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-28-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-28-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-28-2018 Intel Guru Bruce …we were given some information… that pointed to before the end of the year. I am going to say that information I have is still valid…First of all you know President Trump made a surprise trip to Christmas Day…Yes, he did greet the troops that were there and…In addition to that his main reason for going, even though that was very important, certainly very important part of it, was to congratulate Mahdi on putting their new Parliamentary form of Government together. So he meant [met ?] not only with Mahdi, Abadi, A-lak from CBI, Barzani, and etc. He meant [met ?] with them to congratulate them and celebrate with them…We know that because we had people there for that celebration…My understanding is that he said some things relative to having a monetary reform this week and that it would be good for us.

12-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready …I feel we are headed for the RV. The 2019 Iraq budget is written in post-RV numbers (billions, not trillions, of dinar). Iraq needs this RV to move forward. The CBI is clearly planning to get this done. To me, everything else is just noise.

12-27-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Quote from John Bolton, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs: “In Iraq, President Trump spoke w/ US military leaders about the progress to secure total victory against ISIS. He also spoke w/ Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi, and invited him to visit the White House. We look forward to hosting him DC.”

12-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat “PRESIDENT TRUMP MAKES CHRISTMAS VISIT TO TROOPS IN IRAQ” So this really happened. It has NOTHING to do with the reinstatement of the currency…However, it a sign to us that the country is getting safer. But a “state” visit was NOT the purpose of this trip for Trump. He promised to return when the government is “fully” formed. Wow! This simply a visit to the armed forces base in Anbar…the visit was not actually surprising to the Iraq government but was asked to be kept quiet. Trump did say he fully intended someday soon to return for an “official state visit” but only when Iraq was ready.

12-27-2018 Intel Guru ADMINBILL Keep your eye on the ball during the coming week and into 2019…Remember, this is a process…Truth will soon prevail…We win.

12-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru tman23 Damn interesting that Secretary Treasurer Steve Munchin shook the markets after it leaked that he called banks to check if they had enough liquidity…WELL DO THEY?? AND WHAT IS ABOUT TO COME? It is getting close to the New Year when Iraq MUST do the ZEROS…we shall see what that entails as this is also the year for USA infrastructre rebuild to kickoff…Like what i’m seeing…hopefully the dinar bares fruit shortly!