Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-20-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-20-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-20-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Before launching the new dollar rate, find out how much you will lose from your salary and how much it will become actual?” Again they have not come all this way to devalue, imo… It makes no sense to anyone. Especially the international markets.. It is laughable… imo They are telling us why they wont devalue, imo… It harms the citizens…The monetary illusion is that they are going to 1450 when they reduce the three zeros, the illusion goes away and purchase power is still be powerful imo. Why would the FM [Minister of Finance] be bragging about a devaluation? Makes one shake their head…Big time. So when reducing the zeros, gets the real income and purchase power!! imo…

12-20-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Yep. I know. I see it. There is a lot of talk about what’s going on over there in Iraq…about the Iraqi dinar exchange rate and what we’re seeing in the news…there is a lot of speculation as always…keep in mind no matter what anybody says it’s all speculation…it is all over the news about the rate…

12-19-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “WEIGHTS THAT THE 2021 BUDGET WILL NOT BE APPROVED UNTIL NEXT FEBRUARY” appears they do not want the public to know the rinstatement rate until after the event happens. They are holding it up until after the early part of January.

12-19-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Don’t trip yet. We see it now…the rate change is going to happen in 2021. What it is we don’t know. But they’re eluding to it’s not going to go in a good direction. That they are going to devalue the currency is what it looks like. But they’ve done this before. They came out going in the opposite direction. We’ll see…

12-19-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “BAGHDAD THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND IS NEGOTIATING TO DETERMINE THE EXCHANGE RATE” …this past week I have readers commenting to me that the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar has been devalued. They are all upset. Really?…That’s news to the CBI and me. No, it has not been devalued…They are NOT going to devalue the dinar nor have they already…These other articles are just opinion and not policy.

12-19-2020 Guest Guru Redd Starr …What we have witnessed over the last month or two is nothing short of spectacular. I’ve spent a few years in Iraq/Kuwait to understand that this time, we are very close. I’ve been involved since 2005 and I can honestly tell you, that if things continue the way they are going, we will see a dramatic change by the second week of 2021. Don’t be fooled by the initial rate…Do NOT give your Dinars up to anyone but a bank. We are very close…!

12-19-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready [Are we till looking forward to Christmas for this to RV] Looks like still before Christmas. The sooner, the better, I think.

12-19-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru David M. Witty Iraqi Finance Ministry: the economic crisis is caused by a lack of oil imports & years of mismanagement of our economic system. We will raise the exchange rate but only once & ensure it remains fixed. We have to continue reform.

12-19-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Representative economy meets with the governor of the Central Bank” It looks like they are officially going to change the rate in the wrong direction for us. They are going to devalue it. I don’t want you to get discouraged over bad news. We don’t care about what they say. We care about what they do. So let’s see what happens. Even if they do come out with this…I would not be fooled at all…we don’t know what the rate change is going to be. This has happened before. They say one thing and then suddenly something else happens…But even if they come out and they did raise the rate I would not be discouraged. Just hang tight. Once they start to rebound then you’re going to see the rate change go in our direction – The better direction in increments at a time.

12-19-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …This speculation is essentially creating its own kind of FREE float using the program rate and not even on FOREX. This is dangerous and just the issues that economists and financial analysts warned us of. This is why the CBI cannot and will not put the dinar on a free float while on the program rate. …The bottom line is this – the CBI needs to pull the trigger and complete the project to delete the zeros, then move to reinstate the dinar back on the global markets…The plan is being carried out and they fully intend to move ahead with the dinar and its currency reform…It must be done and they know it…the CBI is trying to do it and they plan to do it. This is the good news…