Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-15-18
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-15-18
12-15-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: “Kurdistan announces the implementation of Article 140 of the Constitution” Sounds like some people in Kurdistan are spreading news that 140 is implemented… and are trying to erect barriers and borders…but no one told the residents yet…Either shenanigans or it has happened behind the scenes but not announced yet …either something happened to assure it…or KRG is making assumptions and jumping the gun.
12-15-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana […in ur opinion…when is the time to give up?] If they were to lop their currency for a net 0 gain, then it’s over. The odds of that happening are definitely not high.
12-14-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat In Europe we hearing you are already educating the citizens on the new smaller category notes. Is this true? Yes, the CBI has recently launched the issuance of the second edition of banknotes categories (25000, 10000.1000, 500.250) dinars. These versions have high level security features and are more usable. We have not yet issued any other small categories. Is there any plans to take these 25,000 and 10,000 notes out of circulation soon? NO. The current effort now is just to replace the amounts now already in circulation with cleaner, more secure versions. The CBI has already reduced the amount of these denominations as needed for currency reform. (I was also told that these notes would remain in circulation for at least 10 more years in the future and the plan is to use them mostly for inter-banking transactions for trading partners and not common street use.)
12-14-2018 Newshound Guru chattels […its almost a new yr. lets see what that brings us…] Always more optimistic in the first quarter of the new year.
12-14-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV was reporting that the 2019 Budget would contain stipends of 100,000 dinar to non-employee citizens. [so, should citizens be excited about a $100 stipend or is a RV in the works? Would $100 a month excite you?] …Reportedly, a “political” breakthrough has occurred with all cabinet members supposedly being voted and passed at the next Parliament meeting …Maybe it already did!
12-14-2018 Intel Guru Bruce As far as Iraq is concern, they have completed everything that they needed to do. …from the banking perspective… things are extremely quiet right now, more so than they have been. …It doesn’t get that quiet unless there is a reason for it. What we have heard was that banks have been receiving notifications. …I do not have what was in that of course. I find the timing of it was interesting… …we found out…the rates on the bank screens were sort of on for 45 minutes than off for 45 minutes, then on for 45 minutes then off… we would say those rates need to stabilize and they need to stay permanent… My understanding is the rates are in Canada will be the same as they will be here. …We have heard any moment for a few days now…we are so far along in this process…there is a timing to it and we believe that timing is very close for us.