Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-12-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-12-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-12-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Everybody knows there’s a rate change coming for the Iraqi dinar. They know about the calculations. They know about the recalculations and the recalculations and the recalculations…IMO they’re done…do you understand they’re applying it? They are saying by the end of the year they will raise the value of their currency. Of course something could go wrong. Something could delay it. We’re talking about 3 weeks. It is well known by everyone that by the end of the year they will raise the value…the articles were not specific. they do no give you date. They did not give you the rate…IMO they’re going to be on par with the American dollar…

12-12-2020 Newshound Guru NORV (aka Guru Kaperoni) There is over 40 trillion dinar outside Iraq’s banking system within Iraq. As well Iraq’s total wealth including oil and all minerals is only 16 trillion dollars. There is no way Iraq can RV the dinar significantly it would absolutely make them broke. It is not possible. If the dinar is ever going to go up in value it will occur as the IMF has stated in the consultation with Iraq…which is to get off the peg and float the dinar allowing it to gradually over time rise. This would allow the CBI to offset inflation caused by significant investment as well as reduce the money supply gradually. It could take several years to accomplish this. This is not my opinion, it is what the IMF said to Iraq.

12-11-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Saleh and Al-Kazemi are organizing a large meeting tonight to announce an agreement that ends the region’s financing crisis” …A newly issued international currency with a corrected exchange rate may fix a crisis for many reasons. They are talking about the correction again…The UN was in town talking about a correction too recently, and the UN was wondering why it wasn’t done yet in respect to the White Papers and the correction.. (I.E.; EXCHANGE RATE imo). Now they are to be shoulder to shoulder tonight or were. Saleh has stated they have the correcting of the exchange rate from the CBI openly in front of us and that is tonight or was….I suspect if they have had that meeting, they made an announcement about it. At least they say they will have one at the end of the meeting…We shall see what comes of it. Looks good though…imo!

12-11-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] We could be looking at a Mon-Tues meaning Monday for numbers & emails to be sent out and Tuesday for start of exchanges – or it could all come in on Tuesday – we don’t know that – they are supposed to determine that…tomorrow’s [Friday] call is with US Treasury – Homeland Security – Abbott Downing – and all tier 1 and tier 2 banks…That is happening to determine the “WHEN”… they want to get this done before Christmas – and that is the intention and I believe they have the plan to do that – it’s possible we would start Tuesday – or possibly Wednesday – 15th or 16th…don’t worry about rates – rates are fine – they are very good – and you’re not going to be disappointed at all in that- it’s all good…

12-11-2020 Newshound Guru Walkingstick and Intel Guru Frank26 These last 3 weeks of the month of December IMO they’re training the tellers to prepare for the citizens possibly by January 1st. IMO these tellers in the next 2 to 3 weeks are going to be presented brand new counting machines never used or seen before programmed with the new small category notes…

12-11-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] My contacts in Iraq still very much believe that we are in a 5 to 7 day window for a rate change there. It appears to be moving forward so cross your fingers and say your prayers.

12-11-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …we can see first hand the timing of this event is coordinated with the resolution of the 2020 US election and the beginning of the Iraqi fiscal year. The timing could not be any better. It is on its way and we can expect it. …there is a plan in place and we desperately need this plan to succeed…the timing has to be perfect. Iraq must succeed as well as the US. Everyone should be very patient and relax. It is coming shortly. Can it be stopped? Yes, it can. I know for a FACT that this is the fifth time they have tried this already since 2012-2013 to begin the process of the deletion of the zeros and failed due to circumstances. So when they begin this step there is no turning back. This is why they are slowly and cautiously moving ahead…

12-11-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy I’m telling you there’s a huge buzz going on about the dinar and the reason for that is we’ve never seen so much talk about it before. Just a lot of it going on…Let’s hope that they get finalized…There’s a lot of speculation that once the 2021 budget is passed it’s going to have whatever the new rate change is. No matter whether it’s good or bad don’t get overly emotional about what you see. I’m not expecting anything big to happen…if it’s bad news don’t get down…just hang tight because it’s going to improve. I don’t think there’s any way around it. Having said that I don’t think the value is going to go down. There’s too many negative effects it has on the economy…most likely a move up is what we’re going to see….

12-11-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Why is the Iraqi dinar being devalued against the US dollar?] Don’t panic…this is the un-pegging…it’s a important part of the process…

12-11-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 & Boots-on-the-ground Firefly “the television is telling us that the 2021 budget needs a new exchange rate.” Everybody knows they’re going to raise the value of their currency and they’re telling the citizens carefully step by step. Now this is the crescendo. This is the apex. This is the precipice. We’re right there. One more step. It’s like standing on the edge of a cliff on your tiptoes leaning forward with your arms open looking down with gusts of wind just waiting to knock you over. It’s that close. It’s as close as your breath is to your lungs..