Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-11-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-11-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-11-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 & Boots-on-the-ground Firefly “the television is telling us that the 2021 budget needs a new exchange rate.” Everybody knows they’re going to raise the value of their currency and they’re telling the citizens carefully step by step. Now this is the crescendo. This is the apex. This is the precipice. We’re right there. One more step. It’s like standing on the edge of a cliff on your tiptoes leaning forward with your arms open looking down with gusts of wind just waiting to knock you over. It’s that close. It’s as close as your breath is to your lungs..

12-11-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Why is the Iraqi dinar being devalued against the US dollar?] Don’t panic…this is the un-pegging…it’s a important part of the process…

12-11-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy I’m telling you there’s a huge buzz going on about the dinar and the reason for that is we’ve never seen so much talk about it before. Just a lot of it going on…Let’s hope that they get finalized…There’s a lot of speculation that once the 2021 budget is passed it’s going to have whatever the new rate change is. No matter whether it’s good or bad don’t get overly emotional about what you see. I’m not expecting anything big to happen…if it’s bad news don’t get down…just hang tight because it’s going to improve. I don’t think there’s any way around it. Having said that I don’t think the value is going to go down. There’s too many negative effects it has on the economy…most likely a move up is what we’re going to see….

12-10-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Clarification regarding the Central Banks decision to control the dollar exchange rate and the reasons for its recent jump” …Notice that everyday more and more talk. It’s not going out too much on a limb to say that it looks like Iraq between now and the end of the year plans on doing some type of rate change. What it is we don’t know…We all know when for every dollar that we spend then we get back 1190 Iraqi dinars. That’s how it’s supposed to go. But there’s been some changes happening on the open market over there within Iraq. They’re saying it’s mostly due to speculation of a rate change especially now that they’re talking about it…

12-10-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Many have been worried and asking me about the possibility of not being able to exchange unless you get the Covid 19 vaccine… I asked my best banking contacts about this and I think they are still laughing…..Do not worry that the only way you can exchange is if you get the vaccine…totally false…somebody is trying to sow fear in Dinarland…do not buy it…

12-10-2020 Newshound Guru Walkingstick and Intel Guru Frank26 Everybody knows. Kurdistan knows. The international world knows. Forex knows. WTO knows. The World Bank knows. The IMF knows. The United States treasury knows. The European Monetary Union knows. Everybody knows. More importantly the money exchangers around the wold, they know…It cannot be a secret because the citizens need to know and they are being told. They must know and understand very clearly…

12-10-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Nearly all my sources were not expecting anything to happen until later today through next Tuesday…[Do you think we will see the RV before Christmas…] I think we will have this before Christmas…especially with the chatter out of Iraq that they are willing to move forward – no matter what…I feel good about it but unfortunately no one knows 100% until we get there…

12-10-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff In the year 2020 Iraq got released from all the sanctions and naughty lists. At this time Iraq is no longer under any kind of restrictions or sanctions. They are free and clear. They’ve basically got the green light to change the rate. That’s why at this time Iraq is putting out all these articles and putting an emphasis on the exchange rate…

12-10-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Oil disturbs Iraq’s 2021 budget: an expected update of the “dinar exchange rate” and amending the numbers to reduce the financial deficit!” …it’s an expected update to the dinar exchange rate. WHAT?!? Yeah, we amended the numbers of the financial deficit. WHAT?!? Oh my goodness! This is getting boring! …this article is monstrous. This article is so powerful…

12-10-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I wondered for weeks whether or not the election had a direct tie in to our start for our exchanges and redemption – was there a tie? A connection? …Was there something that had to happen from the election point of view before we got started? I’m going to say even though I’ve been told – not really – there is a connection – and I think there might be a need to wait for some result from the election… I think President Trump will get this done for us – the plan is extensive – and it will happen – and Lord willing – this will happen before – not only the end of this month but I think well before that…

12-10-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Another day – another day of rate change talk. It’s still out there in the ether…the International community knows the potential of investing in Iraq. There are a lot of countries and I mean a lot that have already donate money and are looking into doing projects within Iraq. Iraq is like the gateway to the whole Middle East.

12-10-2020 Newshound Guru Walkingstick and Intel Guru Frank26 Iraq is a trading hub. It’s a financial trading hub first and foremost. Do you understand why they need to raise the value? This is what Donald Trump wanted Iraq to do for the Middle East. And the Middle East all agreed….Iraq is going to be considered a full developing nation upon full membership of the WTO. Doors will be busted down.