Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-10-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-10-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-10-2020 Newshound Guru Walkingstick and Intel Guru Frank26 Iraq is a trading hub. It’s a financial trading hub first and foremost. Do you understand why they need to raise the value? This is what Donald Trump wanted Iraq to do for the Middle East. And the Middle East all agreed….Iraq is going to be considered a full developing nation upon full membership of the WTO. Doors will be busted down.

12-10-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Another day – another day of rate change talk. It’s still out there in the ether…the International community knows the potential of investing in Iraq. There are a lot of countries and I mean a lot that have already donate money and are looking into doing projects within Iraq. Iraq is like the gateway to the whole Middle East.

12-10-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I wondered for weeks whether or not the election had a direct tie in to our start for our exchanges and redemption – was there a tie? A connection? …Was there something that had to happen from the election point of view before we got started? I’m going to say even though I’ve been told – not really – there is a connection – and I think there might be a need to wait for some result from the election… I think President Trump will get this done for us – the plan is extensive – and it will happen – and Lord willing – this will happen before – not only the end of this month but I think well before that…

12-10-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Oil disturbs Iraq’s 2021 budget: an expected update of the “dinar exchange rate” and amending the numbers to reduce the financial deficit!” …it’s an expected update to the dinar exchange rate. WHAT?!? Yeah, we amended the numbers of the financial deficit. WHAT?!? Oh my goodness! This is getting boring! …this article is monstrous. This article is so powerful…

12-9-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article “Negotiations between Iraq and the International Monetary Fund to determine the exchange rate of the dinar” Yeah I know, get excited. There’s been a lot of talk. A lot of talk…Like I said, it’s okay to pay attention to what’s being said but we don’t care about what they say we care about what they do and that’s what we’re looking forward to. And make no doubt about it all and I mean all arrows point to a rate change happening this year…

12-9-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I have a new timeline that I want to give you…we…could be looking at receiving our notifications as soon as… somewhere in between Thursday and Tuesday Dec 15th…we also have about 3 other points of view from different sources that put our timing for notification…coming out anywhere from the next 3-4 days…Wednesday – Saturday – those are two separate sources…I am excited about where we are – and yes it’s hard to nail this down – this is a moving target – as you know by now…

12-9-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana One of the major holdups for Iraq has always been the HCL, which is a money sharing agreement between primarily Baghdad and Kurdistan. Over the last decade (plus) we have seen countless instances where they simply couldn’t agree on anything, much less a major profit sharing agreement. This is less and less the case. It’s all about the money… and they are working together so much smoother than ever before. For example: “Baghdad and Erbil agree on the share of the Kurdistan region in the 2021 budget” …Go Iraq, and GO RRRVVV!!!

12-9-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The International Monetary Fund to update the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar before the end of the fiscal year” …this doesn’t get any clearer…what does the IMF do? …anything to do with your currency we either approve it or disapprove it. The IMF is now telling the whole world…this stuff is done. The CBI is doing it. Now the IMF is telling the whole world…the Iraqi dinar rate is going to change by the end of this fiscal year. Do you understand? There is a new rate coming right before the end of this year according to the IMF. Could this change? Of course it could change…but do you think they could have the “basketballs” to say this and not do it? No. Timing. You gotta love it.

12-9-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The chatter I am still getting out of Iraq is we may see a “teaser rate” of about 1 to 1 mid month…possibly the 11th through the 14th…then a move over the next few months of a full-blown rate… They plan to come out with a lower rate to try to suck up a bunch of bills on the street and the overprinting of the dinar…then move forward to a higher rate. …It’s just rumors until it happens…do not over-react. This goes against what I hear from my paymasters…but I am sharing what I am hearing. You guys can make your own decisions. …Banking contacts think we are still looking at a mid-month event…

12-9-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …There is a lot of talk about the rate change happening. As a matter of fact there’s many reason to believe it’s going to happen between now and the end of this year…let’s stay grounded. Of course we’re excited… Article: “Al-Kazemi on the 2021 budget: We will discuss it today or tomorrow Tuesday” They’re putting the budget together. It’s still being drafted. Some revisions had to be made and most likely those revisions are connected to what’s going on with the rate change…

12-9-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick and Intel Guru Frank26 We believe that based on all that we have been seeing and studying and understand that they are going to release the new small category notes to the Iraqi citizens. And we believe it’s going to be a 1, 5, 10, 25…we also believe there will be a 50 and a 100 note…the 1000 will be pulled out of circulation rather quickly …the 250 and 500 will remain in circulation for a good amount of time…they all will remain legit and tender…I would say to you, learn when to hold them and learn when to fold them…

12-9-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …we read in articles that Iraq could no longer obtain outside loans. They exhausted the internal loans from their banks to pay the salaries for August and September. So then all of a sudden, we get articles telling us the IMF is willing to loan money to Iraq. …Also, at about the same time the IMF says they will now loan money to Iraq…they come out with a statement telling the public that Iraq will go 1:1 with the dinar before the end of the year…they are finally opening up ad educating the public. Like I said this is not a secret and they can’t hide it.

12-9-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …Call me crazy but I can’t help but think the first rate you see is going to be some type of teaser rate…right now I get 1190 dinars for one of my dollars. They might say ‘ok, we’ll increase the rate and now you only get 800 or 900 dinars for $1′. So it might not be anything really big. So just be careful…so what are you gonna do Pimpy? …you earn back your money plus 25%. No, I’m just gonna sit on my dinars because I know what’s coming. The more developed that country becomes the more outside investors come in there the more the dinar goes up in value. I think what they’re gonna try to do is suck us speculators in there…who have been waiting 16 years and right now they’ll take anything and you’ll dump your dinars on the market and they will pick them up dirt cheap and eventually it will start to go up in value…It’s exciting times right now.

12-9-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the tellers. That’s where we are at…Kazemi is this close {fingers close together} to bringing the CBI governor with him to make an announcement to the citizens of Iraq. BTW this information had to trickle down slowly. For you, the international world? No. The Iraqi citizens. Why? It must not fail with the Iraqi citizens…