Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-5-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-5-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-5-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …the news is now suggesting to us we are very close. They’re now talking about the reforms. They’re talking about amending the Constitution. All of these steps are post rate change steps…a little more time is needed because all of this involves money…we’re waiting on that [2020] budget. But when you look at the news it does show you we’re very close…

11-5-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru David M. Witty In Iraq, protesters demand dissolvement of Parliament & early elections.

11-5-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …This past couple days Iraq met with the UN…the UN has stepped in and threatened that, if the killing does not stop, Iraq may re-enter back into Chapter VII. We know that Iran would luv this to occur as this would mean continuance of the currency auctions…So to meet some of the demands by the protestors, a decision has been made to finally pay the citizens their monthly HCL allocation… Remember also that HCL money, when paid out, has to be paid out at a rate over $1.00 USD. There is no way to get around this.

11-4-2019 Intel Guru Delta [via Guru Frank26] …this was posted on the Warka Bank website. “The par value is 1.00 IQD” and it was printed in the Saudi Arabian newspaper. It’s Warka saying the par value of one Iraqi Dinar is [equal to] ?X?X …we have a Saudi Arabian newspaper that caught on and said look this is Warka and they’re showing the Iraqi Dinar at 1 dinar. To What? The answer is to the American Dollar IMO…

11-4-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] News from Zurich said hearing it appears going from west to east now…pinging in China and NZ…it may soon appear in US…We should know about 8pm tonight. [Pinging ensures that the computers can talk to each other. That they recognize each other’s IP Address.] we are hearing this is all just logistics as China is about to take over from Treasury.

11-4-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff Article “Adel Mahdi explains to an American delegation his ‘reformist’ project and outline its points’ …Iraq is meeting with the Americans to discuss the reforms. What they’re showing you guys is that they cannot implement these reforms and really provide for the citizens [because] their hands are tied. They’re pretty much as high an dry and as desperate for the rate change as everybody else. Iraq cannot take care of their own citizens until the rate change. They’re basically telling you guys that they’re waiting until that 2020 budget gets approved because the money has to be allocated for everything…

11-4-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Exchange rate stability” They are telling the world…that they have achieved monetary stability for foreign investors while suggesting they’ll have a fixed exchange rate. One that will be supported and with little fluctuation. A stable environment in a narrow range of speculation, allows for an attractive environment for foreign investment!! Just what imo has been expected by foreign investors for almost tens of years or more, therefore, a strong rate means out of the gate to be good one. imo. They have stated the Glory Days is a potential goal of theirs…I don’t doubt that the “longer we have had to wait, the more money we will make.” (big smile)

11-4-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The work opens the door of new inclusiveness for a full-time appointed salary” They are talking about 24 hour service and getting text messages as an alert and in all provinces by way of Mastercard… let’s recall they are going to be effectively more of a cash-less society… Did we not here about the CBI moving money in all provinces recently? Full time salary… New inclusiveness!! Timing of so many things coming together. Love it! IMO…

11-4-2019 Intel Guru Delta Article: “To / ministries and entities not linked to the Ministry of all governorates and all provincial councils m / Warka Bank for Investment and Finance” FOR WARKA ACCOUNT HOLDERS VERY GOOD NEWS THIS LETTER WAS FROM CBI AND SIGN BY ALAQ STATING THAT WARKA BANK IS BACK ALSO A COPY WAS SENT TO ISX!!!