Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-4-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-4-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-4-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “IRAQ: REVENUE DIVERSIFICATION CONTRIBUTES TO THE ACTIVATION OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR” This article should be nothing new to us. This is all over in the White Paper. Diversify, diversify, diversify! This revenue alone will surpass or at least rival the oil revenue. Imagine how rich Iraq is going to be if they can get the employee salaries (even 50%) also moved over to the private sector? That’s reserves that will amount to about 2.5 Billion a month. Rich! Rich!, Rich! Right now, they are the 4th riches country in the world. Oh – and you have some of their currency? Oh – and you bought it for less than a penny on a dollar…SMART!

11-4-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Iraq is preparing to receive donor countries next week” Quote: “…the ninth of this month will witness the presence of donor countries to support and finance projects…” Looks like they know something… Monday next, donor countries are coming into support and finance projects… Well wouldn’t that mean they are coming in as an international IMF Article 8 compliant countries. Surely they are not going to show up and finance in the trillions of Dinars. As that is not an article 8 compliant rate now is it?

11-4-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “MINISTER OF FINANCE ANNOUNCES THE DATE OF PAYMENT OF SALARIES” So how can Iraq all of a sudden arrange short term loans to pay for the salaries for the rest of the year? Could it be that their currency is about to go global?

11-3-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …IMO…the Iraqi dinar rate change needs to happen in order to help Iraq…whatever is happening with the Iraqi dinar, whatever this event is this currency plays a huge role in it. I can’t help but feel like whatever this role is it’s also possibly tied into all these peace agreements that are happening all over the Middle East. That’s my opinion. It’s pure speculation.

11-3-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra it’s been a revolving door in Iraq with multiple countries coming in and out signing memorandums of understanding. Signing deals and all that stuff I got to believe a performance clause which states that this contract will be engaged once the rate is established…

11-3-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So once again, in less than a month, the flood gates opened pouring out VERY GOOD news? WOW! Iraq adopted the White Paper last month of October 2020 for Economic Reform. There is no need for a vote in parliament. It is done! All this news today points in only one direction – Iraq is setting themselves up for international trade and to use their dinar. They are going to make their dinar very valuable once again as in the past. Oh – don’t forget the WTO is meeting with Iraq delegation again in early November (…this month!). Remember they said they were going to “fast-track” Iraq into the WTO. WOW! …Iraq is moving to completing the project to delete the zeros VERY SOON and this leads to the reinstatement of the IQD…If you like to dance you may start now because this news today is dance worthy… I am dancing now…lol…

11-3-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Quiet in the banking world…but a lot of chatter from my different government contacts as they expect within 10 days from tomorrow we will finally have a reset…i am hoping this is accurate…we are all so ready for this this craziness to be over…the chatter is really solid…that no matter who wins today we will finally get the reset…my sources in Iraq are very upbeat that once we get through this circus and distractions that we will be good to go…again based on government sources…they are looking for the reset anytime during the next 10 days.

11-3-2020 Intel Guru Delta …the U.S. they did devalue the Iraqi dinar and they are the one to bring it back again. Of course it has to be the right time and the right people in place…it’s obvious to all of us right now, it’s crystal clear, that all the action taken by the Central Bank of Iraq…they are about to come out with a rate now…my personal opinion…once the election is over…everything is going to break lose as far as the Iraqi dinar…

11-3-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 [Text from Firefly boots on the ground Iraqi citizen in Iraq] “Mr. Frank on Iraqi television news today is saying the United States of America has helped Iraq with building and supporting the currency of Iraq so that Iraq will be accepted throughout the world and makes our currency even stronger. Saying the Central Bank of Iraq and the United States of America have worked together and the United States of America has been the major reason why our currency will be world widely acceptable and stable…Parliament Financing is also announcing on Iraqi television that they are stopping all pay for the month until further notice…

11-3-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …and then Rafidain banking is offering to us special awards to open accounts at their bank giving citizens interest on accounts as financial reward for opening accounts and they’re telling us stop hoarding the dinar at home. Bring it in.” Bring in the three zeros…it’s down to three weeks or less…the government of Iraq is in a hurry now to have the CBI show the new exchange rate internationally because of Donald Trump. Not only for the HCL. Not only for the retirees. Not only for the salaries. But for you a citizen of Iraq. You are about to be a currency hub of the Middle East. A powerhouse. One to one with the United States of America currency…