Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-9-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-9-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-9-2020 Intel/Newshound Guru Walkingstick & Intel Guru Frank26 …IOO they are about to display poster-boards with pictures and descriptions of the new small category notes that they are going to pass out with the new exchange rate. You got to have the notes first. Not in their hands physically. This is the next step…it will be 1 to 1 with the American dollar.

10-9-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “The European Union announces that it has taken a number of steps to remove Iraq from the list of high risk countries” This is good….They’re on this list because they’re corrupt. There’s a lot of money laundering in the banks and they finance a lot of terrorist groups through these banks. So if they get removed off this list that’s telling the whole world, “Hey, all right, in our opinion they’ve done what it takes to stop this from happening…” This is big steps. Ever since that new Central Bank of Iraq governor took over, he has started implementing the reforms needed in the bank and whatever steps those are that he’s taken obviously are impressing the international community which is really important…

10-9-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Have you heard anything about a float versus fixed rate?] I believe it will be fixed from the info I have. That’s my opinion.

10-8-2020 Intel Guru Delta …Iraq is not going to lop.

10-8-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …guru Delta says.. everyone knows the white papers has a lot of reforms, one of which has a new exchange rate. LOL. Want to bet? There is no such thing as an RV. If Parliament is involved in the dinar that is not good for us. That would be a LOP.

10-8-2020 Intel Guru Footforward […there are a few rates in the rumor mill….would you be at liberty to share what you have heard today?] I’ve heard anything from decreasing the dinar value to a rate of 15 bucks. I don’t think either of those are correct. But that’s the range today. It’s insane. I want to share what I can. But I feel some disinformation is being put out today because the rates are all over the place. These also are not coming from my sources. My sources are waiting to hear on something. I’ve been fairly consistent on my opinion on the rate. Somewhere between 3 and 4.80. based on math…

10-8-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 & Intel/Newshound Guru Walkingstick …information is just rolling in. It’s being ushered in. It has to be. The same pressure that allowed the currency reform to crystallize is the same pressure that is being used to tell the citizens of Iraq…the time is very very short on the fact that pictures are soon to be released to the citizens. These pictures will be depictions of the new small category notes…their exchange rate and their currency is about to change completely.

10-8-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy We know that part of the reform papers they’re taking about the exchange rate. We know this. They said so. But they didn’t tell us what they’re talking about. So all anybody can do is speculate. We did see the papers from the IMF that one time that they had a list of things they want to see Iraq do. And on the very top of that list was decrease the rate. NOT the value of the dinar but decrease the exchange rate which good for us. Not decrease the value of the dinar, which is bad for us. So both those things look positive. But again stay grounded…

10-8-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are coming to you today from Punxsutawney…..feels like another “Groundhog Day”… I am still hearing great stuff from on the ground in Iraq. They hope for a vote tomorrow. […were you able to confirm Iraq Gazette rate rumors?] No I cannot confirm that…I even had people go through the gazette for the last week or so…cannot confirm. [Rates do not matter until we RV.] I agree…its fun to dream…but what I really want is for it just to “go”.

10-8-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …It’s interesting the new direction that the dinar has gone…roughly about a week and a half ago remember I told you I saw new a new pattern…there’s no news coming out. Nothing is happening in Iraq. The level of lies and BS and misleading news has escalated big time. They’re just lying to us left and right now…it’s a very strong disinformation campaign – exactly like China and Kuwait did right before they changed their rates.

10-8-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] Here is where we are…what we did receive and got confirmation about was that Saturday was the day that Iraq finally put out a new international rate on the new Iraqi dinar – it was just $1 less than Shabibi had predicted that the dinar could support in US dollars back in…2012…when he was addressing the US Commerce…He said the Dinar would be able to support a rate of $16 and our understanding is that the rate which was $15 was put in the Gazette on Saturday…They have completed their monetary reforms – revalued their dinar – put it in the Gazette…color it done…We also received word that there was a 48 hour clock that started at 1 PM [Tuesday] whereby within that 48 hrs which would end Thursday at 1 PM – Eastern time…we are in that 48 hour window – now…I am very excited that this is apparently coming down to the wire…

10-8-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 & Intel/Newshound Guru Walkingstick …Information is rolling out more and more. IMO time is short on the pictures that they will release with descriptions explaining further about the new small category notes. It’s forthcoming as part of the education to the citizens because they are now admitting they have ‘white papers’ and they are admitting the reform process is complete and it is being implemented…what they are telling the citizens are the reasons and the ‘whys’ along with the ‘what’s going on’ with their currency. They’re telling them their country is about to become a financial hub and the currency will be the power of the Middle East…they are explaining they are adding value to the nation’s currency…

10-8-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy we don’t know what the rate change is going to be but we know the rate change is being discussed in the reform papers. We don’t know what that means though…it’s easy to assume they’re talking about changing their rate, which makes sense. Don’t get me wrong…I just don’t want us to jump ahead of the game here. Stay grounded. That is good news. We’re all hoping that’s what it means…