Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-6-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-6-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-6-2020 Intel Guru Delta …patience is the key but it looks like we’re on the verge of seeing something really big from Iraq and their currency…since the new governor of the Central Bank of Iraq took place it shocked a lot of us for the way he’s handling the situation…as he promised all of us…the first day that he got the position…we are going to reform the banks #1 and he said he’s going to strengthen the national currency…this guy is basically following that…the Financial Minister and the Central Bank Governor they just had an emergency meeting to basically finalize the last step in whatever it is they’re about to do.

10-6-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Buna was launched in Feb, 2020…the borders will need to be linked accordingly for payments, taxes, tariffs, etc… All neighbor countries are apparently interconnected by BUNA electronically… “Buna”…is a multi-currency payment platform, provides clearing and settlement services, in Arab and international currencies that meet the eligibility criteria…” …They can talk to each other with the platform. They can use, clear and settle multi – currencies… It doesn’t get much better than this now. …The reform paper has been completed. The are now implementing the steps by interlinking… Oh ya!! What’s the next step? Well if they can talk to each other in multi- currencies… they need to know what the rates for pairing them…imo.

10-6-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra …the white papers…have the date and the rate…I’m very excited and encouraged where we are. A lot of these articles that we’ve been seeing these last two weeks really pinpoint what their plan and strategy is. Now we’re down to days. Not weeks. Not months. We’re down to days…

10-6-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Implementing reforms to make the banking system in Iraq more open to investment will bring capital into Iraq. If they succeed, it will create pressure on the central banks capital account. This pressure will allow the bank to float the currency.

10-5-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 [I wonder where are all these banks located where the people are being called in? It must not be in the United States because I have not seen or heard any of that being done.] THE BANK STORIES ARE HERE IN THE US. JUST BECAUSE YOU DON’T HEAR OF THEM DOESN’T MEAN THEY DON’T TAKE PLACE.

10-5-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Fairly sure they are ready to roll now. They implemented the first step today…Article: “The central bank imposes a fine on the shortage of small groups” CBI has warned banks with fines to not be short…in the small categories notes. Why? They’ll be needed, as they will be considered to be large in the future…imo…

10-5-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [Is it true that if Trump doesn’t win…we wont get an RV?] I do not think that is true…i am told the military has the RV…and it will be released no matter what. No matter who wins.

10-5-2020 Intel Guru Footforward “FROM IRAQI TV… “An informed source reported that the reform paper promised by the government of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, regarding the economic situation that Iraq is going through, has been completed” They know what’s up. This conjecture over what to do with the dinar is theatre. They already know what they are going to do…what I’m getting at is if you read the articles it seems like they don’t know if the value is going up or down or what they are doing. So I’m ready for this to go any time.

10-5-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …good news coming out of Iraq…what we’ve been talking about over the last couple day is the issue with a lot of these embassies were talking about closing down, especially the American one, because they’re not feeling safe. There’s a lot of rocket attacks coming into the green zone… Article “Al-Kazemi’s spokesman reveals that important leads have been reached regarding the indiscriminate rocket launchers” …If they catch even more people and clear them off the streets…this brings stability into Iraq which is what we want so that the embassies stay open, outside investors feel good and they start coming in there. Good news I like that…

10-5-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am hearing great stuff out of Iraq…hearing they showed 2 more denominations of bills as they continue the education of the people before they change the rates. Great statement yesterday from some of their finance ministers as they wrap up their banking changes as they position themselves. [So RV this week?] An excellent chance – based on the chatter. We are sitting right on top of it.

10-5-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff I recently checked Iraq’s inflation and I think it was down to about 1/2 percent. It was very low. Iraq will not be deleting the zeros off the notes. They will delete the zeros off the rate. But when they delete the zeros off the rate that essentially makes it 1 to 1 with the dollar. Once they make it 1 to 1 with the dollar that makes it too valuable so they have to bring out new notes. Two different currencies will coexist for a period of time. Smaller notes and larger notes. They have to bring out smaller notes because the currency will have too high of a value…