Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-4-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-4-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-4-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE WORLD BANK: IRAQ STANDS AT A CROSSROADS AND ITS GDP IS THE WORST SINCE 2003″ Quote: “LACK OF STABILITY, LACK OF JOB OPPORTUNITIES, CORRUPTION AND POOR SERVICE PROVISION REMAIN AMONG THE MOST IMPORTANT RISKS SURROUNDING THE COUNTRY’S LONG-TERM GROWTH,” It’s not that they are not doing all these things but they are too slow to act. Also, these things should have been done already a decade ago. I think this is the point of the WB. We can see articles with the new prime minister al-Kazemi implementing programs to correct these issues. But it is an uphill battle all the way.

10-4-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy I love the fact that the rate talk has been going on – period. Good, bad and ugly. The fact that they’re talking about it seems to give me the impression that they know something needs to be done. What that is for sure I’m not sure myself but we’re going to find out…

10-3-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …doing something about the corruption is already bearing fruit there. The fact that they collect a record number of taxes in the month of September is outstanding. The fact that they’ve arrested and are continuing to investigate the people behind the missile attacks and Erbil is outstanding. This is all great news IMO…It’s been more than impressive since al-Kazemi has been in there. He’s been doing everything he said he’s going to do. So far so good…I think a lot more people are starting to get behind Al-Kazemi and making sure that the Iraqi people are secure and that their sovereignty is respected.

10-3-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Article after article after article in the last 5 days, actually even more, telling us that they’re going to raise the value of their currency… Article ” Iraq: the government is compelled to “delete the zeros” from the dinar currency…more than “3 scenarios” are expected that will affect salaries and living” the translation IMO is trying to tell you that they have 3 zeros that they’re going to lift from their exchange rate…they decided on one option… quote “the government is now obliged to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar…without printing more and thus preserving the currency from collapsing.” Without printing more…when you remove the 3 zeros you’re left with about a dollar…and you didn’t print any new currency because you got the new small category notes already in the banks ready to come out. When they come out with the new exchange rate this is all calculated to be 1 to 1 with the American dollar.

10-3-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [I just heard from a friend of mine who is friends with an international CPA here in Scottddale (originally from Iraq) state that we will have 30 days to exchange…His brother is in Parliament, so I think he gets a lot of his information from him …What are your thoughts?] I’d love to know what they base that off of. I do think there is a window. 30 days seems rather tight to me. …If covid restrictions are in place and people have to make appointments to go to the bank to exchange, 30 days seems tight to me. I don’t doubt that is what they want. But Trump will make a deal that works for everybody. Iraq doesn’t really have alot of say here. But if that is the case we will make it work. I wasn’t planning to wait super long anyways. My sources have said because they felt that would be decided once an RV has happened…And that so much is so fluid right now…

10-3-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …Article: “Trump Administration Set to Announce Vietnam Currency Probe” This is from September 30th. Supposedly the Trump Administration is working on going after Vietnam for currency manipulation and a currency probe…here’s a second article from October 1st…suggesting the same thing. Article: “Trump takes trade war aim at Vietnam’s dong”

10-3-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy The rate before the drop of the rate was I think $3.22…Back in the day before America invaded Iraq and they reduced their rate it was $3.22 which meant for every Iraqi dinar you exchanged we get back $3.22 American dollars. That’s what it was before they lowered the Amount to protect the wealth of Iraq. A lot of us who believe that it could be a reinstatement of the rate and not a revaluation. We will see.

10-3-2020 Intel Guru Frank when we get down to the very nitty-gritty. When we’re down to you know where they’re about to release the new exchange rate you’re going to see what we call the ‘second article’ from the CBI. Where it has the breakdown complete of all the reasons why they’re doing what they’re doing…we were looking for one specific article but it turns out that it’s coming out in stages…

10-3-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Al-Rafidain Appeals To Citizens To Deposit Their Money In The Bank And Not To Hoard It In Homes” [Could this be the last ditch effort before the rate changes to get them 000 notes?] I suspect that is exactly what is going on. They have been told their currency is to strengthen and have been told they’ll need to be apart of that electronic system as, the new system is coming on line. That may very well be very soon from the sounds of it. Tomorrow [Saturday] is a special day [Tomorrow .. the anniversary of the independence of Iraq from the British mandate.] If nothing changes it is to be Iraq’s new international day and by international law standards. That should bring with it full sovereignty…