Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-10-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-10-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-10-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “AL-KAZEMI GOVERNMENT SUCCEEDS IN CONVINCING THE EUROPEAN UNION TO REMOVE IRAQ FROM THE LIST OF HIGH-RISK COUNTRIES IN THE FIELD OF MONEY LAUNDERING” This timing is perfect as they told us mid-October this might be finalized. So, I am told the US is next and may relieve Iraq from OFAC monetary sanctions as a result. Remember it is OFAC Sanctions that is limiting us from exchanging at the banks. Let’s wait and see what happens next.

10-10-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni A big step for Iraq today as they were granted accession in the European Bank for Reconstruction. Congrats!

10-9-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I am excited…Now – first of all – we did get confirmation again on the Iraqi Dinar – on the rate – it is a rate for us…it’s a very strong rate and I think it will match up nicely with the rate they are supposed to be offering us on the Dong as well…we have had what we believe to be the beginning…the start of our redemption… I know there is a start time for us that is coming…It may not be this week…Our start time may not be quite as soon as we thought it was…but the good news is that it has started…it’s coming – but you are going to have to hold on to your patience a little bit longer before we get notified to go…but we know it’s close…

10-9-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] My Iraqi contacts are saying on or before Tuesday now…also hearing they are adding posters at banking locations and stores on what to look for in the new lower denomination bills. That is exciting. There is great chatter out of Iraq that we may be going sooner than Mr. C [Michael Cottrell] believes. (Mr. C believes after the election) There is great chatter that they expect the new rate over the next week or so…The biggest news is Iraq expects a new functional rate by next Wednesday. I am hearing this from multiple sources that are actually in the sandbox over there. So cross fingers and cross your toes.

10-9-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …If Iraqis could all get rich off this project to delete the zeros, they would simply never conduct the project to delete the zeros. But these notes stuffed under the mattresses really don’t matter much anyhow…The CBI has talked about these notes stuffed under the mattresses many times and they have a pretty good estimate as to how much…So, these stashes of notes in Iraq don’t matter since IN IRAQ…these stashes of notes will be worth exactly the same today post- project to delete the zeros as yesterday pre-project to delete the zeros…They are only going to delete the zeros in Iraq…

10-9-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …The next stage to the process…is to move to reinstate and put the dinar on a FLOAT…They plan to halt all currency auctions for a specified period during this transition time. They might never start the auctions up again. To do this they plan to get it off the “de facto” peg to the USD and put it on a peg to a basket of 5 currencies. So, tell me how can the rate stay at .00085 when they do this? It is not possible. The reality is there will NEVER be a revaluation only a reinstatement and moving to the FLOAT and off the “de-facto” peg will bring a new rate. …The dinar is going to get REINSTATED. …It is through the FLOAT that the rate will rise. It will only rise when traders get in and buy it up on the international trading platforms.

10-9-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat But did I say the rate will start at .00085? NO…the CBI is NOT going to just take the .00085 rate and use it and float it…the rate will be determined by the basket of currencies. We just don’t know that new rate yet…We do see, however, rates at the banks of pending reinstatement of the dinar at a rate of around $3.60 – $4.25 and up. So, this is probably going to be around the initial rate after the new peg to the basket. From there, the free market will drive it up or down accordingly. But in the long run it will probably stabilize around $3.60ish which is close to the Kuwaiti dinar…

10-9-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Interestingly enough, there are more things in my view outside of what we read in the news that supports this is about over sooner than later. When an Iraqi dealer in currency decides to stop selling his currency as his stake in tens of millions realized just how serious this is, thanks to kind people keeping at him that this Time is in fact real as it gets and that the environment is actually ripe for the re instatement…is consistent with what we are now seeing in the fine articles we have seen in my 10 and your 8 years… That is one source, there is more with similar views… The one was very pessimistic, not any more.. As always, we shall see…imo.

10-9-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Have you heard anything about a float versus fixed rate?] I believe it will be fixed from the info I have. That’s my opinion.

10-9-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “The European Union announces that it has taken a number of steps to remove Iraq from the list of high risk countries” This is good….They’re on this list because they’re corrupt. There’s a lot of money laundering in the banks and they finance a lot of terrorist groups through these banks. So if they get removed off this list that’s telling the whole world, “Hey, all right, in our opinion they’ve done what it takes to stop this from happening…” This is big steps. Ever since that new Central Bank of Iraq governor took over, he has started implementing the reforms needed in the bank and whatever steps those are that he’s taken obviously are impressing the international community which is really important…

10-9-2020 Intel/Newshound Guru Walkingstick & Intel Guru Frank26 …IOO they are about to display poster-boards with pictures and descriptions of the new small category notes that they are going to pass out with the new exchange rate. You got to have the notes first. Not in their hands physically. This is the next step…it will be 1 to 1 with the American dollar.