Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-7-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-7-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-7-2021 Newshound/Intel Gurus Walkingstick & Frank26 If we progressively see the auction numbers continue to fall that’s another confirmation that the American dollar is about to leave the Iraqi market and very soon to be replaced with a new… denomination and a new exchange rate for these new small category notes. It’s that simple. It’s not complicated. It’s on course.

1-7-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …information that we’ve had… information talking about us…receiving notifications and one particular transmission had us receiving notification on Thursday…that goes in line and corresponds with another banks interpretation of our timing…We could get notified Thursday and start Friday…it would not surprise me if we were notified Thursday morning and got started and appointments set – and started on that day – so we’re just going to have to wait it out and see…We know that Iraq is ready to go and not waiting much longer…I cannot really get into the rates – they are changing – constantly updated – and traded – and something we’re going to know when we get in there…So hang in there – be patient…

1-7-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 …Iraq has an international rate outside of their country at 1190 to take advantage of their deals. But inside domestically there’s a 1 to 1 rate deal they made with the IMF. 1450 was for investment purposes and to help pay the salaries at a lesser cost…Brilliant. 1450 is going to leave IMO in 2 weeks or less because there is another change to their rate coming and this one will add purchasing power to their currency at a 1 to 1 level.

1-6-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ …one of the prevailing stories out there is we may see Iraq go as a 1 to 1…and then late Feb/early March we may see the actual reset for a lower overall value then we had expected…but that we will still see a reset. I am getting this story from several sources…that if today does not go well…we may see Iraq move to a 1 to 1 rate. I have heard this from the third week in December but do not know how much credence to give it.

1-6-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “AL-KAZEMI: STOP BIDS AT THE EXPENSE OF IRAQ ” Quote: “THE YEAR 2021 IS THE YEAR (THE IRAQI ACHIEVEMENT). WE WILL ALL REACH THIS ACHIEVEMENT QUICKLY AND EFFICIENTLY, AND THE STATE WILL PREVAIL. IRAQ WILL TRIUMPH OVER ALL CHALLENGES.” I have said this before that this is Iraqi’s last chance for the needed reforms. There will be no other opportunities. Heh, didn’t they tell us recently that they planned on a 5% GDP in 2021?

1-6-2021 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 Article “Blue and green .. Two types of dollars in Iraq .. Explanation for the “mystery” of low market prices compared to the official pricing .. Which number will be proven?” The auctions are dropping. The American dollar is being flooded. The three zeros are disappearing – They’re looking for that sweet spot…these two colors are playing a very large part in the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar…it is extremely easier to remove the USD from the markets of Iraq than it is to remove the three zero notes from the markets of Iraq…more information will start to flow now and probably towards the end of this week…it will start to flow about these two colors…this is another good sign…the stuff they’re doing right now is simply brilliant. Greenbacks huh? I like the blue ones {wink}…

1-6-2021 Newshound Guru Adam Montana We don’t have any guest speakers, we’re not giving away ginsu knives, but we do have a great chance of “YOU GET AN HCL! YOU GET AN HCL! EVERYONE GETS AN HCL!!!” in the near future! GOOOO RRRRVVVVV!!!

1-6-2021 Newshound/Intel Gurus Walkingstick & Frank26 The [Iraqi] tellers – that’s where we are at. They are already trained. They already know what it looks like. They know how to distribute and answer questions. The more you see the American dollar disappear in the next two weeks the better position the new small category notes will be to finally come out…we feel the monetary reform is on course…

1-6-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We did see some interesting things in the financial world. We are seeing changes of value of the dinar compared to the Vietnamese dong. We did see in options in Iraq that they are pulling almost every US dollar off of the street. This tells you they are close to changing their value …swinging the value up because they are literally getting the US dollars off of the streets in the options.

1-6-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 What you have seen the last few days is the pumping of more Iraqi dinars into the market of Iraq. It would have been really bad news if we would have seen that they were dumping more 3-zero notes…that would have been a disaster…Because then you would have a time period to collect those 3-zeros…this is the goal…There’s nothing more important than monetary reform right now. No longer Iran. No longer security and stability. It is now focused on citizens…By George it’s working. They did not bump 3-zero notes back into the market…no. What they did was double up on their sales of the U.S.D sales of their auctions…

1-6-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “IRAQI BANKS HAVE UNDERTAKEN REFORMS, COINCIDING WITH THE IRAQI GOVERNMENT’S MEASURES TO REFORM THE ECONOMY.” Quotes: “The Central Bank of Iraq announced in a statement Dec. 19 the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar to 1,450 to help reduce the country’s fiscal deficit in the state budget for 2021 from 70 trillion to nearly 30 trillion dinars.”; “Simultaneously, Iraqi banks have undertaken additional measures to optimize the Iraqi economy. In the past weeks, government banks intensified calls for citizens to deposit their money in their bank branches instead of hoarding it at home.” …here it is in black and white in the news, in your face. It is what I have told you as to one of the reasons why the devaluation of the dinar. Do you believe me now what they are doing?

1-6-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra All accounts and all budgets since 2017 are now current. We’re talking about the 2017 FML, 2020 budget. What’s in the the 2020 budget? The new rate. That’s why we’re so excited. All these pieces and parts are coming together…this is all coming together to a point and there’s much more coming…

1-6-2021 Newshound/Intel Gurus Walkingstick & Frank26 Respect the first 2 weeks of January in order to expect a second change in the rate of the Iraqi dinar. But this time it will be higher. Not lower…they have pumped up the dollar into the markets of Iraq while collecting as many 3-zero notes as possible during this 1450 rate. They kill 2 birds with one stone. They collected the 3-zeros and they invested internationally at a rate that was more advantageous to them. Brilliant…