Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-29-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-29-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-29-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE OVERTHROW OF SPECULATORS AND THE STREET GIVES THE CENTRAL BANK A WEEK TO SAVE THE DINAR” …these dinar rates at even 1166, 1450, etc. are NOT acceptable. The true rate is being suppressed. There is a difference between the wording of “value” and “rate”. The value of the dinar never left the dinar since it is based on the oil they are pumping. In fact they are pumping almost 2/3 more since Saddam Hussein’s day. Plus, there is a huge CBI reserve $100 billion + and almost 38 ton stockpile of gold. So, to think they have to rehabilitate and grow their economy first to RV to the rate we are looking for is very, very foolish… The rate does not reflect the true value. Yes, if they grow their economy to greater heights, the value and thus the rate should then reflect the increase and go even higher.

1-29-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ …I am absolutely convinced there will be redemption centers…I have been in one and am confident some areas will have redemption centers with trained people to deal with all our foreign currencies. I know people involved in the process that work at them.

1-28-2023 Newshound Guru Henig Article “Iraq gets about $100 million annually from aircraft crossing its airspace” Quote “the rate of aircraft passing through Iraqi airspace is about 600 aircraft per day, and according to the plans set, this number is scheduled to increase in the coming period due to the strategic location that Iraq enjoys, which makes it an important transit area for all international airlines, and that the company is now working on Expanding the scope of its work by modernizing the Iraqi airspace and opening new air corridors with all neighboring countries.”

1-28-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [ Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: The USA is helping with farming here in Iraq to diversify us more than just oil.

1-28-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East Iraq soon would be not dependent on only oil. They have a lot of things working on – tourism, business…import export…that’s good news.

1-28-2023 Newshound Guru Henig Article: “Trade is likely to reach the wheat crop to 5 million tons” Quote: “The Ministry of Agriculture hinted at the possibility of Iraq reaching the stage of “self-sufficiency” in wheat in 2023 due to the expected amounts of rain…And that if things go according to plan and with the expected amounts of rain, we will reach self-sufficiency in the wheat crop, which represents the first food security for the country, he said.”

1-28-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready … I think we may be up to bat on Monday…Finish line coming up.

1-28-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Question: “Is the IQD a good investment?” The answer to this is yes. Except for people are scamming people by selling the Iraqi dinar for higher rates and changing rates of 20% extra to purchase the dinar.

1-28-2023 Newshound Guru Henig Article: “After a 3-year hiatus, the resumption of freight traffic between Iraq and Syria”

1-28-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The news is pretty quiet which is totally what we expected overnight. There are however, many more confirmations of what their target is. Their goal is the crossover between the 31st and the 1st…Tuesday night into Wednesday…the chatter is still remaining overwhelming…It’s exciting. And it is close…I feel pretty confident we are at the finish line… Right now I am at 90% sure we will wake up to it on the first and whole different world…At this point I am not expecting a float. Everything I am seeing right now points to a set, stabe, measured change in values.

1-28-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Be assured nothing is happening with the dinar until Iraq diversifies their economy.

1-28-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Al-Sudani acknowledges the existence of a rise in prices and says that the window for selling the currency “distorted” the financial and banking systems” Quote: “One of these files will be dealt with with the US Federal Bank and the Treasury Department, to find out the repercussions of applying the standards set by the US Treasury in a way that guarantees the desired goal from all sides.”

1-28-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Al-Sudani acknowledges the existence of a rise in prices and says that the window for selling the currency “distorted” the financial and banking systems” DISTORTED BECAUSE THEY DEPEGGED & ARE PREPARING TO FLOAT INTERNATIONALLY Quote: “Al-Sudani said, There is a rise in prices as a result of fluctuations in the exchange rate of the dollar, but overall our financial situation is the best since 2003..”

1-28-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …we had some “WOW” news this week with the inauguration of Ali Alaq as the director of the Central Bank once again. No, he is absolutely not in a proxy position…We must stop for a moment and ask the significance of this move by Al-Sudani to appoint Ali Alaq back as director… he was very ambitious and wanted to bring back the prestige of the dinar… I believe we can expect the same sort of communication…about where we stand with the project to delete the zeros and any move to go international…This will probably take place in a week or two.