Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-28-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-28-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: “the oil file in Iraq including the Kurdistan region Pat involves a high risk of misuse and its monopoly by the views of certain parties, so the lack of enactment of the oil and gas law in accordance with the directions and frameworks and national real guarantee that this natural wealth in the service of citizens will not lead to a bad future and make this wealth a curse for the people.” …can it get any clearer that they need national oil and gas law legislation HCL? Almost 90% of the national wealth is from oil revenue. Sure they are working on other sources of revenue too but these other efforts will take years. Especially with ISIS and now Iranian militias creeping at their doors again. This article is just yet another indication of the importance of this law. They will not pop the RV without having this in place to secure their wealth.

1-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru BGG [You were speculating that the reason why we haven’t seen any updates on the CBI site is due to the economic reforms…?] yes I do think – on some level, that is the explanation. Currency reform – some stage…

1-28-2017 Newshound Guru MadDScout [Any chance of an RV before Feb?] I would say this close to Feb prolly not. But only they know what will put the last peg in the hole. We are watching the result now of actions they are actively taking for the reform process. When Alak said the delete the zeros was on hold he did say all measure would be taken so that at the right time they could move into the program (the parts on hold)…They are not in “wait” mode. Alak is seeking stability.


1-27-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Jaafari heads the meeting implementation of the strategic framework agreement signed between Iraq and the United States” …old SFA [Strategic Framework Agreement] articles…were clear that freedom of movement of capital was critical to the success of the agreement. Let’s hope this is a good sign of whats to come.

1-27-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “Jaafari heads the meeting implementation of the strategic framework agreement signed between Iraq and the United States” …this article…IMHO…speaks volumes without coming out and saying so much at all…cooperation where there was none…without it saying so to me it talks of a certain trip that was made but was unheard of…now we see files being shared…plans being made…signatures… activation of agreements…mechanisms being implemented…my word…more work has been done of late than in the last…well you figure that out…the BEST is coming.

1-27-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: “Secretary General of the Council of Ministers attending the first meeting of the initiative (Take a Baghdad)” I like the tone of this article, but when I look at where Iraq is holistically, it’s just more of the same rhetoric we’ve heard before. The first sentence says it all: “the initiative to discuss the projects and the stages of work, and move on to the preparation of drawings and bills of quantities and implementation programs.” Iraq is borrowing money, in order for lenders to feel confident, they have to know, or at least believe, that Iraq has a plan to enable their ability to repay it. They’re hoping the chatter will remove doubts and fears about repayment. It’s not enough, they need to actually pass the laws and implement the changes that they “talk” about in committee. My sincerest hopes are that this isn’t like the hundreds of other articles that the GOI put out that talk about change and progress, the time for actual implementation has been passed a long time ago. Your move Abadi…

1-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 37 banking institutions have now been reported to us from the field that are now actively buying and selling Iraqi dinar. I think that number will change dramatically in the coming days – plus three credit unions and 5-6 exchange companies. We had a member who shared that $100 was wired to a person in Iraq a few days ago…that person received 129 IQD…it was to Rafi Bank in Baghdad. I know some things that I am hearing…I do believe them because of the sources I hear them from…they have been pretty much on the money. Dates may be off because they don’t control it, they just report…I can tell you that if everything stays on track, this is my last Friday – if everything goes according to design. I feel like this is upon us. The rate is going to be very decent/attractive…

1-27-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Secretary General of the Council of Ministers attending the first meeting of the initiative (Take a Baghdad)” This looks like a pretty big deal…The CBI is meeting…”to discuss the projects and the stages of work, and move on to the preparation of drawings and bills of quantities and implementation programs.”

1-27-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru BGG CBI still hasn’t updated the indicative rates (since 1/4/17) on the CBI – something is going on. What that change means? Hard to say…but the flip side is – to say it means nothing is a little arrogant. [its never been this long before…] Shoot – never been more than several days.

1-27-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article: “Rafidain Bank opens new branch in southern Iraq” Why is this article so important? It shows us the banks are expanding and not contracting. As money is beginning to flow this is exactly what we would expect. This is a good sign the Iraqi economy is beginning to move in the right direction.