Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-2-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-2-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-2-2018 Intel Guru DR. CLARKE In our very last Opinion Today, we believe what you seek, will happen Very Soon. Is that vague enough, yet direct enough for you? Regardless, this all will soon pass, in utter happiness & celebration, dwarfing any frustration, disappointment, anger, resentment, blame and confusion. It will just be a memory. Exactly When? We don’t know…Today, will be the last time we ever share our Opinions…for it’s now time to go on to New Things..Good Luck, and have a Very Exciting & Eventful January & 2018. THANK YOU. The Best is Yet to Come!

1-2-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: “The damaged cash currency is a problem for the Iraqi citizen” The fact that a large number of notes are damaged gives the CBI an excuse to draw them in so that they can be destroyed. The way to do this is to convince people to deposit their old notes into a bank. By doing so the people still have the value of the money without having the actual notes, which could then be destroyed by the CBI, thus lowering the money supply and putting upward pressure on the value. Whether this is the plan or not remains to be seen but it is clearly not in the CBI’s best interest to just reprint more large notes at this time.

1-2-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Has there been an auction within the last 24 – 48 – 72 hours? I don’t think so. With this suggesting it is time to stop… Ceasing them is huge and that is what it appears happening and directly… imo

1-2-2018 Newshound Guru tman23 “I expect to be ” short ” from the holidays and making a deposit if I can find money to do so :)” … In the past Iraq held markets closed up to the 6th after the new year…… I wait until tomorrow [Today]…not next week or next month…….. NOW or NEVER….Tomorrow [Today] is opening day………lets see how they lift the zeros…

1-2-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: “Iraq launches ATM mail service (ATM)” The import of the article seems to be that the user of the ATM will not get cash back at all but instead will get a credit on a plastic card. This will allow the CBI to destroy the larger bills as the value rises. In other words these ATM machines aren’t going to be like the ones in the US, where you put in a plastic card and get paper cash back. It is just the opposite (that’s my take, anyway) where you put in the cash and get credit onto your plastic card.


1-1-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat …When we do exchange the dinar will be exchanged only for the currency of our own country. For instance, dinar for dollars (USA) or dinar for euros (Europe), dinars for Canadian dollars (Canada), etc. The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the currency when we exchange. Let me say this a couple more times since…This is being confused…The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange!

1-1-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat …The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! Get it now? If they did drop the zeros it would be called a “lop”. This not just a slang word I am using. It is in fact a technical term used by the IMF. It means to drop zeroes off “hyper-inflated” currency. I can assure you I would not be here today…if the IQD was going to “lop”. The fact is, they told us many times that some of the 3 zero notes would remain in circulation and coincide for up to 10 years with the newer, lower category notes (about to be issued).

1-1-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 “Wow things are really heating up!…i perceived a strong feeling about the first few days coming out of the bank software update” VERY GOOD…NO ONE !!! ON THE NET HAD EVER MENTIONED / STUDIED / CONSIDERED THE ANNUAL SOFTWARE UPDATE EVENT OF ALL WORLD BANKS ON THE 8TH…IMO…A POWERFUL STEP…BASED ON “DECEMBER” IN IRAQ.