Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-17-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-17-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-17-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “On Saturday, the House of Representatives ended discussion of the budget bill for 2021.” Quote: “determining the price of a barrel of oil and currency exchange in the budget law are the government’s prerogatives, indicating that The implementation of the budget law requires reducing the volume of total spending and activating the private sector, both industrial and agricultural,” …Activating the private sector. That my friends is imo going to a market economy, whereby, activating the industrial and agricultural sectors to create jobs. The real exchange rate will do the trick…

1-17-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “American diplomat James Jeffrey: Trump’s model will continue in Iraq and Syria” This article is long but what it does it goes on to explain that the way Trump approached dealing with the Middle East obviously was nothing like prior administrations…he would go down to the ground level and speak directly to those who were boots on the ground and from there make his own decisions. It worked obviously.

1-16-2021 Intel Guru RayRen98 It’s a great day and getting better. It started — Parliament resumed today discussing budget saying next week will vote and on tv saying Iraq in discussions with fractions to be removed from money laundering list…

1-16-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …the articles of late…suggests that the recent devaluation is and was a very big mistake and one they are going to fix…The move didn’t do anything good like they thought it would…Well, it is my opinion they were allowed to do that, as the experts knew it would have cause and effect. It is as though they allowed them to experience the negative effects and get to the bottom to see that pain from increased pricing. A taste of reality so to speak… Which would then show them that the right way is still on the table. That is imo to be the deletion of the three zeros. The reconstruction effort cannot be effective nor support Iraq in being competitive in the global market at 1190 let alone 1460 Dinar exchange rate. That will never happen.


1-16-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] The latest information I have received today – and it was from very high up bank sources with our lead bank – not HSBC by the way – the lead bank on the east coast – and this is really good communication that’s pointing toward notifications for us most likely – although it’s possible Sunday – most likely Tuesday with exchanges either Tuesday or Wednesday…

1-16-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy I knew this was coming…people are really happy about the Biden Administration coming in there. China is one. Russia is another. Iran is the other. Video “Iran to U.S – Lift sanctions immediately”. Oh trust me they’re dancing. The 3rd term of Obama administration – [Iran is saying] ‘glory hallelujah. We’re gonna get some money and nuclear bomb and we get to terrorize the whole Middle East.’ So much for peace in the Middle East…There could be a benefit from this. And what is that benefit? …Yes the Iranian Rial…as soon as those sanctions are lifted this really will help their economy out. It was crippled. It was just about dead. Trump had him up against the ropes. Now these people are going to give him a reprieve…No sanctions. Strong economy. Strong Rial…