Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-16-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-16-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-16-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Economist: The Government has no justification to continue to raising the dollar exchange rate” Bada-bing-bada-boom Quote: “…oil prices and financial abundance make it imperative for the next government to take measures to reduce the exchange rate…Iraq has all the financial capabilities and qualifications that necessitate a reduction in the exchange rate especially after the compensation of Kuwait’s completion and the rise in oil prices…” This is an amazing article…

1-16-2022 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …we all know that a REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) is what we are looking for. Anything less will not work…To open a bank branch in the UAE and or even in Saudi Arabia is to be international. That will require the REER…Plain an simple imo…So, the CBI needs to talk and walk all at the same time…imo.. It’s coming…imo..

1-16-2022 Regular Guy Guru Vital Brad When it comes to rate I’ve heard numbers as high as $30….I’ve heard numbers that are way out there… different ways to get a higher rate than what everyone else gets but you know I like to keep it conservative…if if went 1 to 1 to the US dollar when it first hit the international market that would be amazing.

1-15-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am hearing it is now a set schedule…I do not know what to expect on timing. It could be as early as this afternoon for our emails or it still could be a few days away. I do not know. But imo…it is close because people are staying in place…If they were scheduled 2 weeks or 2 months from now – they would not be staying there…

1-15-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV update] FIREFLY: Two federal lawsuits that the Federal Court is going to listen to have stopped the work of the current parliament session according to Baghdad Channel 1 News…these 2 lawsuits must be addressed until any further action can be taken by parliament…meanwhile citizens are demanding more that the exchange be set back to previous rate… FRANK: It appears once again the Iranian jerks are sticking their foot in there and saying we got 2 lawsuits…it doesn’t matter what your tactics are. The monetary and economic reforms are going forward…things are really looking good IMO…

1-15-2022 Regular Guy Guru Vital Brad …Right now you can get a 25000 note for about $16.00 US. The idea behind this investment is that we can pick it up now while it’s at this devalued rate and when Iraq fully seats their government and the Iraqi dinar is reinstated as a recognized currency on the International market/on the Forex market…it’s going to be at a new rate. Similar to the Kuwaiti dinar…

1-15-2022 Guru Nader From The Mid East You know why nothing is happening? They’re organizing the government. The government is not organized yet. It’s not 100% completely organized. It’s maybe 40%. We need a president. We need a president of parliament.

1-15-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Iraq’s Supreme Federal Court temporarily suspended the parliament speaker and his two deputies on Thursday…two rival groups claimed to be the largest block, with the right to form the government…chaos erupted…the suit filed by two lawmakers argues that the election process of the speaker and two deputies violated the constitution…

1-15-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Article from Iraq: “Baghdad sends 200 billion dinars to the region to finance to finance the salaries of the employees” These are payouts from December due by today Jan 15th. What is important here…imo…is I have contracting contacts that work over there that work in power distribution in the power plants. They are normally paid in US dollars. This is the first time they were paid in dinar. It is their understanding that this is the governments way of saying “thank you” by paying them in dinar right before they revalue the currency. Before the dinar has a meaningful increase in its value.

1-15-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV update] FIREFLY: The television Channel 1 news is saying that Iraq has been removed from the European Union high risk of countries. This is a huge step for us they’re saying for Iraq…and then the Foreign Affairs Minister is on our Television talking about how far Iraq has come to exit the European Union risk list. He talks about the future Wealth and growth. FRANK26: Everybody wants that kiss from the prettiest girl at the county fair that is selling her kisses for one dollar apiece. Everybody wants a piece of Iraq now. That is the biggest telltale sign…

1-15-2022 Regular Guy Guru Vital Brad Article: “Adviser to the Prime Minister: Iraq’s ‘payable’ debts do not exceed $20 billion” Iraq has been on a list that’s the highest risk countries to do business with based on terrorism. Quote: ‘Iraq has proven that it is free of money laundering and has been raised from the list of high risks…’ They’re off that list…international markets! Quote: “The European Union removed the name of Iraq from the list of counties with risk reading the fight against terrorism and money laundering…’ They’re off the list. Yes!…that’s exciting.

1-15-2022 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …All looks very very very good. The private sector and or market economy will require a REER [real effective exchange rate]. The USA embassy has today commented on the support for Iraq to do international trade. Even with China. So, lets see what gives. My view is we are very close to seeing it…

1-15-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “World Bank: Iraq will witness the highest economic growth among the Arab counties within 2 years” Seriously? At a program rate? At a used toilet paper program rate? Really? The writing is on the wall…it is in print. It’s not my opinion. It is the opinion of the Central bank of Iraq that they’re going to raise the value of their currency as soon as the government is seated and if the government is horsing around and they’re not seated the CBI is still going to move forward whether they like it or not. It’s that simple.