Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-11-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-11-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-11-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They…said something about only thing needed was paragraph to be done in the budget on the exchange rate and the amount for infrastructure…

1-11-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Finally, we hear overtones and direct convictions of some of the real problems with the dinar and the currency policy in Iraq now in place. …We all need to settle down and relax. The reinstatement is coming and I certainly hope they can pull it off in this January 2023…

1-11-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …We are still hearing everywhere from now to the end of the month for the release…The PTB do not want us to know the date. They are going to keep throwing out dates and curves to keep us guessing. They are doing this on purpose.

1-10-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Bank Story] NAME PROTECTED: I called…a local family-owned bank where we have had an account for the last 34 years. I told the banker we would be exchanging some dinars in the very near future and wanted to know the fees for doing so. He told me most if not all of the locally owned banks would be sending their exchanges to the Frost Bank here in San Antonio… FRANK: This bank officer knows the procedure to exchange the Iraqi dinar? What did we tell you about banks being educated all around the world? This bank officer has no problems talking to our friend here…

1-10-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Bank Story cont.] NAME PROTECTED: The Frost Bank in San Antonio was at 3%. FRANK: That’s pretty good. 1%, 2%, 3% range. NAME PROTECTED: Our bank would charge us only $34 courier fee. He also said national banks such as Chase, Bank of America, etc had their own departments and we would have to check with them on their rates…Frost Bank…seem to be the big dog with the locally owned banks [In San Antonio area] FRANK: Remember I told you the CBI was getting ready? And then I said you should too? All the banks are ready IMO…

1-10-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Article: ”Sudanese government obliges all its institutions to deal in Iraqi Dinar” This is a good one to watch. This one is about de-dollarization in Iraq… They are now forcing the government to run on dinar…and dinar only. De-dollarization is going to be the theme coming out. This is important for them moving forward with the revaluation of their currency….

1-10-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I can assure you…the Iraqi dinar will remain weak until the day comes where they have begin to build a significant diverse economy. As clearly stated in the IMF Article IV Consultation, the staff encourages Iraq to create the conditions allowing them…to move to a more flexible exchange rate policy, which could allow a predictable and gradual appreciation…In other words, if Iraq can diversify their economy then they can move to a float to allow the currency to rise based on the success and growth of that economy. There is no overnight RV.

1-10-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East Question: “What happens if they changed the currency? What happened to the dinar of their home?” …You know how many Iraqi’s hold the Iraqi dinar? If tomorrow they decide to change the currency and they say the old one you have you cannot do anything about it. You just have to throw it away or burn it or use it as toilet paper – you know how many people will be mad? …So you have dinars, you can exchange them yes. If they go to a small category notes, which for me it’s gonna take a while to do that, they’re gonna give you some time between 15 to 90 days or six months or whatever they’re gonna give to exchange your money.

1-10-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Article: “Iraq estimates 40% of population is aged below 15″ The estimated population of Iraq for the years of 2022 is 42 million…reason the government is overly concerned with such a large number of unemployed youth is because they have the time and the motivation to protest. It is a proven fact they can change the face of the Iraq government like they did in 2020 and take over parliament like they did in 2022.

1-10-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 The only reason why they didn’t have the re-institution of their currency was because of Iran. They’re not about to raise the value and let them continue to steal. They had to change their whole banking structure. Honestly I didn’t think it was going to take all last year. But here we are…

1-10-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Any news on the dinar rate?] Many rumors and chatter that I am way off on the dinar rate. That the rates may be significantly higher than I have been saying… I hope this is accurate… I don’t know if it’s because the dollar rates are starting to slide in value? I have been hearing other rates but have been asked not to share them. If I get the go-ahead I will share rates.

1-10-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] This action of Monetary Reform education especially the one restores confidence at the speed of light with the citizens. We would advise you, don’t quit your job. The reason why is because this is a long process that still has steps to be done. They still have much to do. It’s called the float.

1-10-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Today the US Fed explained more on those 60 banks and those fake airline tickets that they were selling to us. They’re saying more than 150 million was being stolen by these banks. They would sell [Buy?] at 1460 then re-sale that to citizens at 1600… FRANK: Animals…! FIREFLY: …these 60 banks have been busted. Iraq wants to clean up and do what’s right so we can reward our citizens but corruption must be dealt with. FRANK: Didn’t I say that was the reason why we don’t have the monetary reform, because of the corruption of Iran.

1-10-2023 Guest Guru Margarita I know everyone is excited…But right at the end of yesterdays article , they are still coming out with a 20k note. All the article says it is modifying the structure of notes. The 20k would do that I would think. I don’t see the words smaller notes…Not to mention [The article] says the singular denomination. It isn’t plural. Wouldn’t smaller notes be more than one?

1-10-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] One group of sources swear it will happen between Wednesday and Sat of this week. Another one thinks it will happen between the 12th and the 17th…. I am just very confident it will happen this month.

1-10-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “GOVERNOR OF THE CENTRAL BANK CALLED ON MERCHANTS TO DEAL DIRECTLY WITH BANKS” Its about time…the CBI wakes up to another source of the monetary problems plaguing Iraq…This effort will help so much in reducing speculation thus the CBI will be able to control the exchange rate of the dinar. Remember that these street brokers and speculators are not going through the new platform to track corruption either in the exchange of dinars to dollars. So this effort is a win-win for everyone.

1-10-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy I’m impressed with Al-Sadini. This is not what I was expecting. I was expecting him to be another one of these clones of Maliki and embedded in corruption. So far it doesn’t seem that way.